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Nerris threw the dice and smiled at her stuffed frog.

"Critical hit mr waffles!" She exclaimed before sighing. No matter how hard she tried to ignore it, the nerd couldn't deny that she was lonely. She stood apon hearing bickering outside of her tower.

"Fine damn if it will get you two off my ass then whatever! Hey nerris" she peaked over the side seeing Harrison and rolled her eyes.

"There is no one here by that name magic boy" she called out trying to figure out why he was talking to her. Preston and nikki were smiling like they had just won the lotto while glancing at each other then back at Harrison.

The aspiring magician sighed. "Nerris the cute, I the poor dwarfen jester request permission to accompany you on one of your quests" he called up. Although she made everyone call her nerris the cute it made her blush slightly hearing it in harrisons accent. But why would he be wanting to hang out with her? He lost a bet. Thats probably what happened. But she wasnt about to give up actually being around someone. Even if that someone was ugh- Harrison.

"Proceed" she called down and heard nikki and Preston giggling. Definitely lost a bet. She wondeded what the bet was. She heard steps until harrisons green eyes peered at her for a moment before he climbed all the way onto the platform she was sitting. She glanced over at him cause he sighed. She focused her eyes back down on the dice in her hands and tossed them. 4. NOT a critical hit. Looks like she has to actually be civil. She glanced over the side to find nikki and Preston had left to go torment someone else.

"Why are you here har-" she started turning back to where Harrison had been sitting to find he was directly in front of her now. Maybe a little too close. She hadnt even heard him move. He breath caught in her throat at how close he was now. "Preston and nikki are gone so you can leave now" she said ignoring the urge to curl up into a ball and forget everything existed.

"Nerris" he said almost in a whisper. She was about to ask what but he cut her off by leaning forward. Their noses were almost touching and if either of them moved there was a high probability of a kiss happening. She wanted to move back but the wall trapped her between it and his body. She wanted to push him away from her, or thats what she thought she wanted. but her mind wasnt being very convincing.

"Nerris" he breathed out even quieter then the first time and she could barley hear him. If she hadn't felt his breath on her lips as he said it she would have thought that the word had been in her imagination.

"H-harrison" she replied in a shakey voice. Her mind was screaming at her to stop. Her breathing hitched slightly as she felt harrisons hand on her cheek. He leaned in even farther finally connecting their lips. She closed her eyes and relaxed against his touch in pure bliss.

After a moment he pulled away and looked down. She was slightly disappointed as she felt it was over to soon. She knew she was blushing so she pulled her knees to her chest and buried her face into them. The two magic kids sat in silence before nerris finally spoke up.

"Harrison?" He hummed in response and she took a deep breath. "Can we do that more often?"

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