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Harrison sat straight up in bed with a gasp. His heart was beating quickly and he was panting heavily as his eyes darted around the space. He had the nightmare again. Nearly every night he had a nightmare about his brothers disappearance. Sure he had brought him back but his parents disowned him. That's when he was taken in by David. He swung his legs off the side of his bed and stood up.

He wasn't the only one that David and Gwen had adopted. Max had been the first. Nikki was being fostered for the time being. So as quietly as possible Harrison made his way out of the room and down the stairs. He didn't want to wake the girls Nikki had over as they were all asleep in the living room. Well all asleep except one. Harrison got a glass of water and shakily drank it before heading back upstairs. He didn't notice one of the girls had watched him go.

He climbed back under the covers of his bed with a sigh and looked over to his half cracked door, well... as well as he could see it in the darkness. A small patter of feet was heard but he simply dismissed it. That was until his door slowly opened and a familiar face poked into the room.

"Why are you awake Nerris?" Harrison asked quietly as he sat up half way to look at her.

"That's my question" she replied as she walked into the room and carefully shut the door behind her. She crossed her arms as she looked at the bed, waiting for a answer.

"I had a nightmare..." he replied after a beat of hesitation. Nerris's face softened slightly and she sighed. After a few moments she made her way over to the bed.

"Scoot-" she stated blandly. He just stared at her in confusion until she pushed on his shoulder as if to say that she wasnt joking so he complied and scooted over.

"What are you-" he said confused as she pulled back the covers and climbed next to him.

"Shut up and go back to sleep" she said in an almost annoyed tone. Harrison decided to just listen to her and laid his head back down. He felt her cuddle up close to him so their bodies were basically pressed together. It was slightly comforting to have someone there with him. Nerris hugged his arm and buried her face into his shoulder with a sigh, his hand was pressed against a very... Intimate place, but he tried to ignore it and just closed his eyes. Soon enough he dozed off again.

Harrison slowly opened his eyes from another dream. Although this one was very different then the last to say the least. He was still half asleep as he realized Nerris was still next to him. As he slowly started to wake up a bit more and realized the noises she was making. At first it seemed like she was having a nightmare but Harrison instantly knew that wasn't the case. She was moaning and where she had his hand against the front of her shorts was slightly wet now.

His breath caught in his throat. Fuck. What was he supposed to do in this situation. Slowly he tried to pull his arm from her gasp but the movement only added friction to her sensitive parts, causing her to yelp and her eyes to fly open. She seemed to be trying to process what was going on as he gulped and turned his red face away from her. She released his arm from her gasp and buried her face in his shoulder again letting out a small whimper.

"C-can you do that again..?" she asked, almost shyly. Harrison never in a million years even dreamed this would happen. Yeah that's a lie, he just never thought it would happen anywhere outside of his dreams. Hesitantly he moved his hand again, earning a small gasp and whimper from her. He continued to runln against her through the shorts for a bit longer before he slowly became more confident and slipped his hand beneath the waistband. He paused and raised an eyebrow at her, she wasnt wearing underwear.

"Shut up" she whined tiredly while hiding her face again.

"I didn't say anything" I pointed out with a smirk. She went to say something but slid two of his fingers into her entrance suddenly so she was cut off with a loud gasp and small moan.

"Fu-Fuck you" she was able to get out between her whimpers and moans.

"Actually I think that I'm the one who is fucking you" he said with a chuckle. She obviously wasn't amused and just pulled him into a deep kiss, muffling her moans slightly. She was grasping at his shirt and gripping it tightly as she arched her back slightly. She whined loudly and squeezed her eyes shut as her breaths came in Sharp gasps and whimpers. She buried her face into his arm as she moaned loudly and came. He pulled his hand away with a chuckle and jumped as the door flung open and max stood there with his arms crossed.

"Hey fuckers some of us need to wake up early tomorrow will you please shut the Fuck up"

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