knight in shining denim

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Slight Trigger Warning

I looked into the mirror and sighed as my mother picked up a can of hair spray. I cloesed my eyes and held my breath as she spoke while spraying the chemicals over me.

"Have I mentioned how pretty your hair is now?" She asked setting the can down. I just shrugged and reopened my eyes looking back at my reflection once more. I had been growing my hair out so it was now in a more modern style bob that almost reached my shoulders but not quite. My mom loved it. I had mixed feelings about it as I missed my undercut. I tuned in as my mom started talking again. "Its okay to feel nervous nerris I sure was when I went to prom" she said picking up some strawberry scented lip gloss and handing the wand to me. I put some on as she dusted my cheeks with a blush. She put mascara on my lashes and we were finally done.

My mom handed me the heels she had bought for me. They were simple silver ones with a 3 inch heel and a sparkly silver strap on the ankle. I slipped them on and stood up now my mother's height. I was used to wearing heels after all the years of pagents my mom made me do. She's always wanted a girly daughter and doesn't exactly like when I go off to play DnD but She puts up with it. She smiled at my appearance and placed a hand over her heart. She led me over to the full length mirror and smiled at my reflection.

"You look beautiful darling" she told me and honestly I couldn't argue. I was wearing a black dress that flared out slightly at the waist and it reached mid thigh. I turned around glancing over my shoulder. The dress was backless and if you were paying attention you would notice the small Saturn tattoo on my shoulder blade. It wasnt big or something your eyes were drawn to unless they were looking for it so at least there was that. My mother had a fit when I came home with it. I got it as a act of rebellion and nikki had gotten one too but her mom was to drunk to realize anything. They wernt professionally done as we were still minors and it hurt like a bitch but seeing it brought a smile to my face.

I looked at my mom and smiled. She tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled back. She had curled my hair and pulled some of it back into a braided crown leaving the rest down. "Come on your fathers waiting" she said and we started down the stairs. My father looked up from his place at the door and smiled raising the camera he held to his eye and snapping a picture of me as I reached the bottom of the stairs. He walked over and wrapped me in a hug careful not to ruin any part of my appearance. He kissed my cheek and looked like he was almost in tears.

"Looks like my little wizard isnt so little anymore is she" he stepped back and looked me over. My dad was more laid back then my mom thats why I usually spent more time with him growing up. He was the reason I had gotten into DnD in the first place. We heard a honk from outside meaning ered was here. We had become friends after the coolness incident and so she offered to drive me to the dance because she was going to be a moderator there anyways. "Dont let that boy do anything to you" my dad warned and I giggled.

"Dont worry I won't!" I say over my shoulder while walking out to ereds car as quickly as possible in my heels. I call out a goodbye to my parents who are waving before climbing into the passenger seat and smiling at ered as she pulled out of my drive way. We started talking about random things and I looked her over. She had changed her hair since last week. Now instead of the blond with red tips her hair was a pastel purple. She was wearing a nirvana t shirt with a flannel around her waist and a pair of ripped jeans even though we were going to a dance.

Once we got to the school I hopped out and followed ered up to the doors of the school. Music was blasting from inside and I smiled. I payed the 3$ to get in and walked into the large auditorium as ered took her spot next to one of her friends in the concession stands. I looked around the crowded space and pulled out my phone. I opened up my text messages and typed out 'hey where are you?' To blake and sent it. I pocketed my phone as nikki ran up to me.

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