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Everything was a blur. One minute Harrison was curled up in a corner as Nerris was being ripped from his arms, the next he was on the ground being cradled by a badly injured Nerris.

His vision was heavily blurred and his head was aching. Once everything came into focus a bit more he looked up at Nerris with a frown. She had blood running down her face from her temple and it was smeared all over her chest and arms though it wasn't clear if the blood was hers or someone else's. Her cheeks were caked with mud and stained with tears. There were deep claw marks across her arm and stomach, but she was breathing and that's all the mattered.

He wasn't doing so hot either, the bleeding from his side had only worsened but now his hair was matted with blood and he could feel more running down his face. He couldn't see out of one eye. When Nerris realized he was awake she started sobbing again and instantly kissed him. He was still disoriented but managed to kiss her back with a quiet groan as his head throbbed.

"Nng- wha?" he tried to speak but he only ended up in a coughing fit. She shushed him gently.

"I'm not sure.. It had a hold of me and you lashed out and next thing I know everything was... Gone" Harrison gave her a puzzled look as he tried to sit up and he realized she was right. It was silent... Too silent.

With her help he was able to stand. He looked around the warehouse. It was empty other then the blood smeared across the floor. They made their way out of the space and looked around. Bodies were littered around the area. Whatever that thing was spared no one.

Nerris gasped quietly and turned away, burying her face in Harrison's side. He looked over to see what she had seen and had to keep from throwing up.

David's mutilated body laid on the ground, his throat had been ripped apart and his stomach had been torn open, most of his organs gone. Gwens body laid limp close by. One of her arms had been ripped off and her neck had been snapped. Harrison tore his eyes away and forced himself to move faster despite the pain. He tried not to look at the faces of the dead, knowing who he would see.

Slowly they approached a moving figure and slowed down, knowing it can't be anything good. They were around. Harrison moved Nerris so she was standing behind him productively.

"Preston..?" he asked in a shaky voice. Slowly the thespian turned to face them. He had blood smeared across his mouth and neck and was holding a half eaten heart in his hands. His eyes were crazy and they flickered between Harrison and Nerris with an unspoken hunger. Then it hit Harrison. Preston has been the one to drink the purple substance in the cup. Fuck.

Harrison slowly started to back away as Preston picked up the crooked blade from the ground. That's when Harrison realized Daniels dead body on the ground.

Instantly He turned And ran, Nerris close by. Somehow during their escape they were separated. It was pitch black and Harrison stumbled around, trying not to die. Only a bit of moonlight shone down through the trees and it was nearly impossible to see. They never should have come back to sleepy peak for this stupid reuinion. If they hadn't none of this would have happened.

Soon enough Harrison saw movement through the trees. He froze trying to see what was happening and his breath froze in my throat. Preston had Nerris pinned to the tree with his hands wrapped tightly around her throat. Harrison looked around in a panic and noticed the knife hidden in the knees. Somehow Nerris must have gotten it away from him.

Harrison moved swiftly and scooped up the knife. In His mind he said sorry to Preston before coming up behind him. He suddenly grabbed prestons hair and yanked his head back. He closed his eyes as he slid the blade across his best friends throat. Prestons body slumpt to the ground and dropped the knife.

Nerris collapsed into His arms and they both fell back against a tree before sliding down into the ground. Fuck Fuck Fuck. This was not good. They both stared at prestons lifeless body in terror.


Harrison sat up in a cold sweat. His heart was beating quickly and he was panting heavily. Nerris sat up instantly when she sensed his distress. She wrapped him in a tight hug and pulled him back down so he was laying again. He was babbling something about his nightmare, Nerris was used to it by now since he has had the same one for about 3 weeks now. After Nerris got him calmed down slightly he wrapped his arms around her waist and laid His head against her arm.

"I don't want to go today..." he said finally and she sighed.

"Harrison we already told David we would be there"

"I know but I have a had feeling"

"It will be okay, we should get up" Nerris looked over at the clock "we have a long drive back to sleepy peak"

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