family bonding

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"Your gonna wake her up!"

"No you are if you keep opening your bit mouth!"

"I don't have a big mouth"

"Do too!"

"At least my mouth has all its teeth" two small voices hissed from outside my door. After that comment was made a loud crash was heard, followed by a yelp.

With a sigh I sit up and drag myself out of bed. I glance over at the empty bed next to me with a frown as I pulled in a pair of leggings and a random t shirt. I walk out of the room. Instantly it goes silent before two little "morning moms" ring out in unison. I look down the hallway and see a knocked over table.

"Would you two like to explain what happened here" I ask looking between the two girls who stood in front of me. As expected they both pointed to the other.

"Tia made fun of me" Olivia announced as she glared at her sister.

"Well I'm older" the other shit back and placed her hands on her hips.

"Only by three minutes!"

"I'm still older so you should be saying sorry"

"And I'm oldest, so shut up" a third voice rings out from down the hallway. I sigh and intervene.

"No I'm the oldest. Now all of you, downstairs" theres a scoff from down the hallway. "You too Jax" I say as I walk over to straighten out the fallen table before following the two girls down the stairs. Both of them quickly climb up to the table and sit next to each other, grinning as I place two bowls in front of them.

"Coco pebbles please!" Tia pipes up as she flashes me a large grin, showin
showing off her missing front tooth.

"Cheerios!" Olivia says louder and a 'yuck' comes from Tia. This ultimately leads to another fight until I give each girl their respective cereal and give Tia milk while Olivia eats hers dry. With a sigh I walk over to the bottom of the stairs.

"Jaxion- now" I call and hear some shuffling from top landing before he comes into view with a scowl set on his features. He passes me silently and I sigh as I follow him back to the kitchen as he pops some bread into the toaster.

"Its Saturday do we really have to wake up at the asscrack of dawn" he mumbled to himself.

"Watch your mouth and it's noon" I reply with a frown.

"Exactly" He says as He grabs his toast and taking a bite as it is. I sigh and look over to the table.

"Where's Olivia?" I ask Tia and she points towards the living room. I pinch the bridge of me nose with a frown. This parenting thing was hard enough with one let alone three. "Where do you think your going?" I ask as I see Jax pulling on a jacket and going for the door.

"Out" he replied in a uninterested voice and rolling his eyes. The last time he said that he ended up getting his lip pierced and got himself a ticket for driving without a license. I went to object but he pulled open the door before I could. "Dad's home" he announced and went to walk out. Not Olivia and Tia jumped up from their spots and ran to the door a long with me as I walked into the foyer. There Harrison stood holding onto Jax's arm as they basically had a stare off. After a few moments Jax sighed and retreated back into the house. Both Tia and Olivia were clinging to his legs talking a mile a minute. Once He finally got inside i shoo'd them off of him so he could pull off his jacket. He leaned over and gave me a kiss which resulted in ew's from the girls.

"Get a room" Jaxion said as he turned to leave. I shoo'd the girls back to their food and turned back to Harrison.

"You let Jax dye his hair?" Harrison asked as he raised an eyebrow at me.

"I didn't let him do anything" I say with a frown and follow him into the kitchen. "Just wait until you see the bathroom sink" I mention. It was stained blue now from the hair dye. He sighed quietly and grabbed a coke from the fridge. "Jax will throw a fit" I point out since it was the last can in there.

"Jax can get over it. Also why the hell were you letting him go out? He's still grounded" Harrison snapped and I flinched and sighed quietly. Right before Harrison left on his business trip Jax had totaled the car. He was grounded until his birthday which is in 3 months. I walked over and wrapped my arms around his shoulders and tried to lean my chin on his head as I rubbed his arms with my palms. He shrugged me off and I stoos there dumbstruck as I stated at the back of his head. Anxiously I started twisting the ring around my finger.

"It's not like I let him. He never listens to anything I say" I say quietly and I hear Harrison let out a irritated sigh.

"Well your the one who wanted kids. Maybe if you would start acting like it then he would respect you" Harrison snapped and I flinched.

"Well maybe if you would actually stay home once in a while he would have a male figure to look up to and stop ruining his life!" I snap back and turn to leave the kitchen angrily but pause momentarily as I see Jax standing in the doorway with a shocked expression. Before I can say anything he steps out of the way and goes back up the stairs. I sigh quietly and slowly go up as well and walk to my room to sulk.

About an hour later the door opens and I can hear Olivia and Tia singing along to Frozen. Once the door shuts its muffled once again. I feel someone sit on the bed and breath on the back of my neck as someone wraps their arms around me.

"Nerri" Harrison whines into my ear and I can see his pleading expression from the corner of my eye. "Nerris" he tries again yet I still don't reply. I shiver slightly as he starts leaving small kisses along my neck but stay silent. He stops as a soft knock sounds at the door. I know it's Jax since Tia and Olivia wouldn't bother with knocking.

"Come in" I say after a few moments and sit up as the door opens, the sound of the girls downstairs continue to waft in again until it's closed. Jax is nervous and fidgety. It reminds me of when he was in fourth grade and had a solo in the winter wonderland play. I haven't see him like that since. Well until now. He walks over and hands be a envelope. I hesitate before opening it. Inside there's at least three hundred dollars.

"I know it won't cover the full expenses of the car but I'll keep working until I have enough money to replace it" he says quickly and avoids looking at us. Instead he keeps his eyes focused on the envelope in my hand.

"But... You got that job to pay for your Florida trip" I say as I process where he got the money.

"The cars more important" he says and picks at the leather gloves on his hands as he stands there awkwardly. After a few moments he lets out a breath it seemed he was holding. "So you really think I'm ruining my life..." he said quietly as he cast his eyes down to the floor. My face instantly falls and I hand Harrison the envelope and hold my arms out for Jax. He instantly falls into them and leans his head on my chest. Its not as easy since he's a lot bigger then he was before but I don't care as I rake my hand through his unkempt curly hair. And he does something I haven't seen him do since he was 14 and broke his ankle trying to skateboard down a hill. He starts crying.

It doesn't take long for him to calm down and Tia and Olivia ended up wondering in after their movie was over. Olivia say between me and Harrison while Tia sat in Harrison's lap. We sat there in silence for a while just enjoying the moment.

"How about Chinese for dinner" Harrison suggests after a bit and we all agree happily.

@sunnycat666 finally done with the family one :) hope you liked it.

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