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Millie's POV.

It was so good to hear from my mom. I hadn't heard her voice in a while and her voice sounded hopeful. I hope everything is okay with Ava. Like finn sad. I need to focus on me and Ava would want me to be happy.

I rushed through the hospital and met up with my parents and brother who happens to be here. I hugged my parents as I was worried for what was going to happen.

"I'm so happy to see you pettle." My mom spoke. I leaned away.

"What's the news?" I ask. As my parents were going to answer the doctor came up to us all.

"Family of Ava Brown?" He spoke.

"Yes!" We all said together. The doctor looked to Finn.

"He's a family friend." My mom told the doctor. "It's okay he can know." The doctor looked to us all and continued.

"We have news on Ava and it's...." We all waited anxiously to find out what the news was. "Positive." I looked to my family before turning to Finn.

"Oh thank Lord. How is she?" My mom praise for the first time.

"Shes responding to the treatment and we are seeing change in her coma state. She's doing well and she should be awake in a couple of days." The doctor told us.

"Shes still asleep?" I ask the doctor.

"Yes. But she should be awake very soon." The doctor told. I smiled and turned to Finn. Hugging him.

"Birthday wish come true." I said out loud.

"See! I told you." Finn said back. I held tighter. I was the most happiest birthday girl ever, right now.

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