Chapter one

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"Sonic, wait for me!" I yelled out for him to stop, since I couldn't run as fast as him. I started after him anyway, trying to speed up using my two tails. I saw a rock in the ground, but was too late to stop myself from tripping over it.

 "Ugh!" I hit the ground hard, face first, as usual...

I looked up, seeing Sonic run at a blur, and then, nothing but the land around me, empty, but peaceful.

 "Sonic... This isn't gonna work out..." I said in my head, thinking about the good times we had all through the years. Is THIS how it ends? Me landing in the mud, abandoned?

I passed out.


"Wha...?" I raised my head up to see Eggman. 

"It's night you pint sized animal," he said to me, acting all tough.

"So, I was just taking a nap?" I replied. I was still tired and unaware of my surroundings. 

"Yeah yeah, just be careful next time. Eh?" he said, as he zoomed off in his Eggmobile. 

Hmm... I picked myself up, walking home.. where Sonic is. I was tired of it. Tired of Sonic leaving me behind. 

"I can't believe I've been taking in this hosh posh! I should be treated better!" 

I started talking to myself.
I knew I'd go crazy. The thought cheered the mood up a bit. The thing I saw next was... a bit odd. A bright yellow star started to fall from the sky, but stopped. My jaw dropped.

 "An alien?! Hah!" I started getting excited, and I rushed home.

An hour later

"Sonic!" I burst in, only to see no one there. I heard the sound of the TV coming from the living room. News Channel 4 was on, and talking about car safety. I heard laughter in the kitchen, and it sounded like the gang. I walked in, and I took one look at Sonic. Ugh... I'd wish he apologize

"Tails, I'm so sorry! I tried looking for you where you fell down, but I couldn't find you, are you okay?" Lies... I was asleep, and Eggman of all people was the one who spotted me, Which I'm kinda thankful for.

"Sonic, I need to tell you something." I motioned him to come to the living room, where it was empty a short while ago.

"Yeah bud? What's wrong?" He said in a confused look. 

I hesitated... "Uh oh.. Come on you smart doofus, You can do it!" I said in my big mind.                   

"I wanted to say good job on defeating Dr. Eggman!" I lied, sadly. 

"Oh, well, thank you, heh." He walked off, not giving me any credit.

I walked to my room, which was only a few steps away, plopping onto my bed after shutting the door. "Ugh..." I looked to my left, there was a picture of me and Sonic, along with Egghead tied up in the background smiling along with us.

 "Guess he's not all THAT bad." I think in my head. 

I look to my right. There was a half eaten PB and J sandwich on my tool table. I got up and I walked toward it, and examined it. Looks good enough to finish.. I guess? I took a bite, and spat it out in the trash can.


 I grabbed the TV remote and pressed the ON button. I waited for the TV screen to light up as I watched the clock tick and the seconds pass by. Finally the TV came on. It was Channel 4, again. My ears perked up.


I sat on the bed with my extra self. The weather came on a second later. The news must've been talking about it, damnit.

 "Ugh! I CAN'T REWIND!" I was too tired to look for the other remote. I turned off the TV, thinking about the possibilities of what it could've been about, and turned the lights off, tucking myself into bed shortly after. Eventually, I passed out.  

Two hours later

I woke up to the sound of talking in the kitchen. I looked at the alarm clock, barely making out the time. I looked around, seeing my gear and tools.     

"Time to pack I guess." 

I got up and opened the door, only to see Sonic eating a chili dog. It was our favorite. It was our favorite. There's no more 'Us', I thought to myself. I walked into the kitchen to sate my dry mouth before catching a glimpse of the time on the oven. Damn, 2 in the morning?

"What the hell are you doing up this late?" I asked him in surprise before walking to my room, ignoring his answer. I grabbed my duffel bag and opened my drawer full of clothes. Sonic followed me and stood in the doorway.

"Yo, is something wrong?" Sonic said with a confused voice.

Whatever. "I don't want to talk about it.." I looked him dead in the eyes, making sure he knew I meant every word. Sonic moved closer to me.

"I can't help you if I don't know what's happening to you." Sonic said in a soft voice.

I snapped... Sigh.


I started pacing back and forth, the duffel bag still in my hands.

"This morning, on the way home you just dashed past me, and so I had to try and catch up, and guess what. I tripped on a rock and blacked out! Ironic isn't it? I laid there for HOURS, until Eggman found me. FRIKIN EGGMAN. And when I got home, what did I hear? "Oh Tails, I looked everywhere for you! Even the last place I saw you!" I call bullshit."

I took a deep breath as tears filled my eyes. Sonic just looked down in shame I guess. I continued my packing. I knew deep down what I said was a little harsh, but I meant every single word.

"Ugh what was I thinking? Yelling at him like that?"

Sonic up and left. I walked behind him and slammed the door. I stood there and thought for a minute.

"Should I apologize?"


"Nope." I said aloud. I zipped my bag up and grabbed my goggles and plane keys. I walked toward the window and slid it open, kicking out the wired net.

I thought twice right as I stuck my leg out, and looked back at my door... Eh..

I jumped out and propelled myself in the air with my two tails, and flew myself towards the hangar bay.

"Come to papa." I said to myself as I landed in front of the bay doors. I pressed the button on my key and the doors opened up, revealing the one and only Tornado.

"Let's do the usual routine, except, I'm not coming back."

I climbed in the cockpit, and put on my goggles. This is the life.

I put the key in the ignition and turned it as the propellers spun furiously. The plane started moving and I looked back at the house on my left as soon as it came into view.

"Good riddance."


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