Chapter sixteen

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I woke up the next morning, lying down on Silver. That's when I felt it...

"He's here!" Clare got in my face.

"Yeah I can tell. Where is he?" I got up and woke Silver.

"Like hell I know! He's probably right behind those doors!" Clare moved away from the doors, worried that he could bust through any moment. It felt like he was too. The darkness, the power. It almost made me afraid to open it.

I inched closer and quickly opened the doors... Nothing but the sun in my eyes.

"We're fine." I looked at Clare as Silver walked next to me and looked at the sky.

"On your way out for today?" Carl was walking towards us with his milk bucket.

"Yeah, gotta find someone and take them out, if possible. It should stop your problem with the creatures." Carl smiled when I said that

"Well good, I'm glad! Ye' better get goin' then!" Carl's country accent kicked in.

"I would, except I have no clue where he his." Then I realized.

"But, I think I know someone who does... MAYBE." I thought about if he would know for sure.

"Eggman always had a knack for ultimate power. He would definitely be the guy." Carl's expression changed.

"I hope you're right about that..." He walked off into his barn, mumbling something.

What the heck?

"Carl, you okay?" I followed him into the barn.

"Yeah, just go, ye' better find this person of yours." He waved me off as he began milking his cow. He sounded a little angry... I better leave him alone.

I exited the barn before Clare started a game of 20 questions.

"How are we gonna find this... EGGMAN? Who is Eggman? Is he a good guy?" Clare flew by my side and kept spitting out more questions.

"I always keep track of that Egghead, and luckily he's not too far. No, Eggman is not a good guy, but at the same time, he's not THAT bad either, despite almost taking over the planet a few months back." I grabbed Clare and put her in my sword sheath.

"Ready, Silver?" I pat his head gently as I set my GPS for the Egg Carrier's location. Silver extended his wings as I climbed on, and with a few flaps of his big wings, we were already sky high.

"What's this Egg Carrier thing?" Clare yelled over the blowing wind.

"Actually, this is his SECOND Egg Carrier, the first one went down in the ocean. The second one is more sleek and much smaller. Still deadly though!" I kept a close eye out for the Carrier.

"What does it look like?" As soon as she asked, I spotted it out of the corner of my eye.

"Like THAT." The Carrier was massive. It looked just like it did when I saw it last time. As I examined it closely, I saw a small flash come from the hull.

"SILVER TURN LEFT, NOW!" Silver barely dodged cannon fire from the Carrier.

"What was that?!" Clare couldn't see since she was stuck in the sheath.

"Eggman put his Carrier on defense mode, he must have something he's not supposed to!"

The Carrier shot another round at us before Silver dodged it again. Silver pushed further into the Carriers airspace with a few more flaps. Some time later, we were close enough to the point where I could use my tails on the way down.

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