Chapter three

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I woke up with a massive headache. I couldn't think straight. In fact, I couldn't think at all. I looked around, and the cow was mooing away to my left.

"What the hell...?" I tried to get up, but I seized in pain, and fell on my left side. All of a sudden the tingling feeling filled my head. It wasn't a headache, nor some kind of head injury...

What the hell happened?

I tried to get up again, and a wave of dizziness washed over me as the barn doors opened. Carl was in the door way.

But I thought the doors got ripped off???

"Ye' alright? You look like crap!" Carl walked over with a bucket in his hand and set it down under the cow.

"Yeah, just a bad dream." I rubbed my eyes gently. Carl started milking the cow's utters.

"Well, yer' plane's filled and yer' aileron is patched up."

Woah, he really know's how to be hospitable. I walked over to him. "Thanks Carl, I appreciate it." I shook his hand, and accidentally shocked him. Somehow..

"YOW!" He jumped and then sucked his finger. "That shocked the hell outta' me!" He flung his hand and went back to milking. "Man, ye' some kind of electricity generator?" He laughed and shook his head.

"Sorry Carl!" I laughed and walked out. The wife and kids were out playing and Daryl had my pilot helmet on. Oh let him keep it. The kids stopped and looked at me.

I waved at them and smiled while I got in the plane, grabbed the keys out of my pocket and, turned the ignition.

"Wait!" Carl ran up to the left side of the Tornado. "You might need this. My father made it!"

Carl handed me a pilot's coat. It looked old, but felt brand new.

"Thank you Carl. Really, I can't thank you enough." I gave him a firm shake, and I buckled up. Carl stepped back as I moved forward, waving at me. I waved back, and put the plane in full throttle. Corn and wheat flew past me as the plane was gaining speed.

Once the plane reached about 210 knots, I pulled up and lifted into the air, the wind blowing in my face and into my fur. I looked back down at the red barn as it vanished below the clouds.

"Nice knowing ya', Carl." I smiled and put my goggles on.

As soon as I focused back in front of me, the tingling feeling came back. This time, it was stronger.

What the heck is that? I looked to my left, and the tingling died down. I looked to my right and the tingling spiked. Must've slept weird.. A little nap might help.

I yawned, put the tornado on autopilot, and leaned back to try to take my mind off of it.

"Agh!" Pain fell over me. My head began to explode with images... Some very violent..

Some guy in armor, with blue glowing eyes, holding a sword with what looked like symbols and a skull with horns on it.

And that young girl in the stars, but her face was easier to see. She had purple and blue hair, and her eyes seemed to twinkle.

And... Me?

I was holding a sword with different symbols on it, but the vision flashed from me holding a sword, to me with four tails, and a double bladed sword... I locked eyes with the image, and my mirror's eyes were glowing yellow, with electricity crawling around all over

My head began splitting with intense pain, making me cry.

Please, stop! "Please!" I yelled. I couldn't take the pain anymore. So I pulled at my fur and grit my teeth together. And without warning: The pain stopped..

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