John André

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John André x female reader

You were at a ball that was being hosted by the Shippen family. You had mostly been avoiding people, and you were considering leaving. You let out a deep sigh and grabbed a drink. The Shippen family had personally invited you here, and you decided that you might as well stay a bit longer, plus recently the Redcoats had taken Philadelphia and apparently some of them were going to be attending. Not much had been happening at the ball, and then he arrived, Major John André. He was possibly the most gorgeous man you had ever laid eyes on. However, you weren't planning on talking to him. He wouldn't want to talk to you, he would want to talk to someone like Peggy, or possibly one of her friends. You downed your drink and stood up from your seat. No one was talking to you and you didn't see the point in staying. "Leaving so soon? We've only just arrived." You couldn't believe it, the major was talking to you, "Well, sir, I've been here for a while, and there is nothing keeping me here, so I decided to just head home." You toyed with the material of your dress trying to stay calm.

"Well, at least stay long enough for me to have a dance with you." He offered you his hand, and you politely accepted his request to dance. You looked into his eyes, "I'm quite shocked that you talked to me, and it's even more of a surprise that you asked me for a dance." "Why is that?" He questioned. You let out a small, quiet laugh, "I would expect you to be talking to someone like Margaret Shippen." It was his turn to laugh a bit, "I must admit Miss Shippen is quite beautiful, but during my short time here, it is you who caught my attention." You began to blush, "Thank you sir " He smiled lightly, "Please, call me John." You looked down and then you looked back up at him, "Okay, John." "Well, aren't you going to tell me your name?" He stroked your cheek a bit and you smiled, "My name is Y/N." The dance ended and the two of you walked off the dance floor. You smiled at him, waiting for him to say something. He smiled back at you, "Will you be taking your leave now?" You smirked a bit, "I think you've convinced me to stay just a bit longer." John chuckled at your response.

"Well, it certainly was nice talking to you, however I do have many people to meet, but I do ask that you wait for me." You watched him walk away. You had just met this man not to long ago and you didn't even know anything except for his name and ranking in the military, but somehow this man had walked away from you with your heart in his hand. You had stayed at the ball for the rest the night, and continued to keep a close eye on John. Occasionally John would dance with other women, and you would feel a little jealous. You remembered that he asked you to wait for him, and he didn't ask any other women to wait for him, so that helped eliminate your jealousy.

At the end of the night, John returned to you. "I'm sorry that I had to leave you for a while." You smiled, "That's quite alright John." He took your hand and guided you out of the house, "So, where am I to take you?" You glanced over at him, "Well, you could take me back to my house." "Well, there is only one problem with me taking you back to your house, I don't know where you live." He smiled lightly. You blushed a bit, "I suppose you could take me back to where you're staying, or I could take you back to my house." John smiled, "I like the idea of taking you back to the house I'm staying in." The two of you walked to where John was staying. You walked in silence, until you arrived, "So, this is the place?" "Indeed, well, are you going to come inside?"  You giggled, "Yes John."

Once you were inside the house, you looked around. It was a beautiful home. John took your hand and guided you to the couch, "Let me show you something I've been working on." John grabbed a few sheets of music and a flute. He set the sheets of music on a stand and began to play. You sat silently listening to John play. It was a very beautiful piece. John finished playing and looked at you, "What do you think?" "I think you played very well. However, I must ask, who wrote the piece?" You looked at him waiting for an answer, "I wrote it." You sat shocked for a moment, you couldn't believe he wrote something so beautiful, "I would have never have guessed you wrote something so beautiful." "Y/N I am a man of many talents, you'll just have to wait and see some of them." John put away the music and the flute. He joined you in the couch and you leaned against him, "I wish I could stay like this forever." John sighed, "Maybe one day." You yawned and knew that sleep was beginning to take over.

John ended up taking you home, with you occasionally helping him find the way to your home. You arrived home, and stopped at the door. You turned to look at John, "Thank you for the amazing night, I truly hope that I can see you again" John looked at you, "Trust me, you will be seeing me again." John pulled you close, and then he pulled you in for a kiss. You immediately kissed back, it was slow, passionate and loving. "Goodnight Miss Y/N." You watched John walked away and you spoke silently to yourself, "Goodnight John, I love you."

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