George Washington

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George Washington x female reader

(A/N - Yeah so Martha is dead in this, but only so the plot line makes sense.)

You had recently married General George Washington of the Continental Army. His first wife Martha succumbed to a disease about 2 years ago. You're much younger than George at the age of nineteen, but it wasn't uncommon for men to marry girls your age, it also wasn't uncommon for them to marry girls that were a few years younger than you were. You were currently in camp because many members of your family insisted that you stay with George at camp for a little while before you officially move into his home. George allowed you to stay here in camp, and you really wish he hadn't. It was truly horrible here, and you were quite lonely. The only other women here we're nurses and camp followers. You couldn't really talk to the nurses because they were quite busy taking care of the soldiers, and as for the camp followers, well they weren't really the best people to speak with. So, you just remained lonely in the camp. The only time you really spoke with anyone was when George retired for the night, and when someone came in to see George.

You sighed, it was getting late. You got up and began to get ready for bed. You slowly removed your dress and corset, and put on your nightgown. You hated wearing corsets, they were way to tight and constricting. You laid down in bed and just stared at the ceiling. You heard the door open, "I  imagined that you would be asleep by now, but I guess I'm wrong." You glanced at George who had just arrived to your shared room, "It is hard to fall asleep here, there is so much noise outside." You heard George sigh, "Well you should try to at least get some sleep darling." You rolled onto your sighed away from George. "What are you doing Y/N?" You didn't have to look at George to know he was giving you a bit of an annoyed look. "Isn't it obvious, I'm trying to get sleep." You held your pillow a bit tightly, and sighed. You felt the bed shift and George reached over and put his arms around you. You leaned back into his touch, "George, can I ask you something?" George sat up a bit, "Of course darling."

You sat up and looked over a George, "Do you actually love me?" George was in disbelief, "What? Of course I love you. Did someone tell you that I didn't?" You looked down, "It's not that, it's just that I know how much you loved Martha, and I feel as though I was just a replacement for her." George grabbed your hand causing you to look up at him, "Yes, I loved Martha and I still do, but I also love you." "How do I know you're not lying to me?" Your voice faltered. George let out a deep sigh, "I'm going to prove my love for you." You chuckled softly, "How are you going to do that?" George let his hand fall on to your thigh, "I think I have something in my mind." You blushed a bit and pulled George closer to you. The two of you exchanged a long, passionate kiss. The rest of the night's events were quite enjoyable.

You woke up the following morning exhausted from the events that occurred last night. You stretched and looked over to where George was, he would have to get up soon. You threw off the covers and got out bed. The sun had not risen yet, but you decided that you should get up and dressed. You were putting on your dress when you heard the bed shift, George was awake, "Why are you up so early darling?" You finished putting on your dress and turned to George, "I don't exactly know why, but I don't think I'll be able to get back to sleep now." You smiled at him and walked out of your shared bedroom. Eventually George went to do his duties as a general. You smiled to yourself knowing that you were loved by your husband. Your had a happy life and a happy marriage. What more could you ask for?

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