Hurricane: VI

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Chapter six:
Back at the foster home Majesti POV

"Hey sis" Tammy said walking up to me
"Hey beautiful" I said smiling at her

"We should go to the park or something I hate sitting up in this house literally" Tammy said rolling her eyes

"I think I have something better we can do.... put your shoes on and come with me" I said walking downstairs.

As we're going out the door we see Leslie walking up to go inside the house.

"Is everything okay Leslie" I said side eyeing her making sure she didn't snitch

"Yeah everything's good they just said my knee had a sprain in it so they wrapped me up and gave me medicine, also to just take some rest" she said walking in to the house

"Good to know" I said.

Tammy and I continued our journey and We walked all the way to dollar general.

"What are we doing here? You're going to get some snacks" Tammy said curiously

"Yep we sure are but we finna steal it not pay for it" I whispered to her

"Wait what!?" She whispered loudly

"Can never go wrong with free" I said smirking and I looked to make sure nobody was watching us and started to stuff my pockets... "come on whatcha doing you don't want nothing!" I said still stuffing my pockets.She started stuffing her pockets as well as me. We started heading towards the door and we got stopped by this lady working at the register.

"Excuse me can you guys come here for a second" the lady said

"For what? What you need?" I said creeping my way closer to the door

"I just need your help on something"

As soon as she said that I seen her reaching down to press the button to call the cops. Right then and there I knew it was going to go down. I see the security guard come from the back fast walking to hurry and get to the door.

"Sis what we do" Tammy said worried

Soon as I said run we took off out the door. Hitting short cuts left and right the security guard was chasing after us and cop cars was right behind us. We jumped over fences and into to someone's backyard.

"Sis....I'm....tired.....and....this....candy is... weighing me....down" Tammy said running out of breath as we where trying to get away from the cops

We hid behind this abandoned barn and would glance here and there to make sure the coast was clear but, the cops were surrounding the streets.

"Wow that's a fun story to hear, two black teenage females running from the cops because they stole candy" Tammy said rolling her eyes

"Wow that's a really great headline at a moment like this" I said annoyed

"So what we gone do"Tammy said

"Take out some of the snacks so we can run faster" I started to unload one pack of gum and a candy bar

"Girl Hell no I need these snacks" Tammy said looking at me crazy

"I bet yo chunky ass do..... but I bet you don't need to go to jail" I said removing more items

"I don't care I'll go to jail I been before I'll go again. I'm not chunky neither I'm very skinny" Tammy said flipping her hair

"Well you obviously chunky if you choose jail over removing snacks" I said and peeked around to see if cops were still there

"Whatever like I said I'm not emptying my pockets" Tammy said looking around the barn

"Well if you get caught faster then me that's on you"I said

We walked from behind the barn and there where no cops. We started making our way back home and as soon as we hit the corner we seen the cop and he instantly turned his sirens on and more cops came from out there spots. We took off running again, I'm going full fledge speed while Tammy is running behind me she starts to slow down "wait, wait for me" next thing you know in mid sentence the cop grabs her arm puts her against the fence and handcuffs her "I GOT ONE" he yells to the other cops I looked back and told her I'll be back. I made my short cuts and got home, the cops couldn't find me nor catch me.... I ran into the house really out of breath.

"What's wrong!? What's going on!?" Leslie said concerned

"The....The...The" I said barely breathing

"The...The what, what happened speak to me!" Leslie said walking up to me

"The cops got Tammy... we got caught stealing at the store and we went running and they ended up catching Tammy" I said finally catching my breath

"WHAT THE FUCK! Why in the hell would y'all want to steal and y'all could've just asked me for money" she said upset

"Oh girl please, you hate our guts all you do is spend our money that you get from us on yourself... you're just trying to be nice after I gave you that ass whooping" I said drinking my water

Next thing you know there's a knock on the door

"Shhh don't open it, it's probably 12" I whispered to Leslie kneeling behind the wall.

"Good it should be yo ass need to learn a lesson"

Soon as she said that she started walking towards the door as if she didn't care, as if she really wanted me to go to jail, as if that ass whooping I gave her earlier wasn't enough.

She reaches for the door knob

She puts her hand on the door knob

She twists the door knob

She turn the door knob

She opens the door

Low and be hold it's........

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