Hurricane: XX

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Chapter twenty:

I walked outside


They were just looking through the window


"Bae, chill it's over" Dar'Mel said

"No aint shit over these bitches got me fucked up" I said snatching away from him

I grabbed a brick and threw it at the window and broke the glass

"Yo chill this is my parents house" he said grabbing me

I snatched away again and this time his keys fell out his pocket I reached down and grabbed them.

"Give me my keys Majesti" he said putting his hand out

"No!" I ran to his car and got into it

Next thing you know a car pulls up right in front of his car and Evonne stepped out. I get back out the car and yelled.

"What the fuck this bitch doing here" I yelled

"Rachel called me" Evonne said

"I bet her scary ass did" I said

"Well from the looks of it seems like u got beat up you got blood on your cheek" Evonne said

"Them weak ass bitches jumped me"

Next thing you know all three of them came outside. I charged at Rachel once more and she ran.

"Came here bitch where you going"

" I don't wanna fight" She said going by Evonne

"I'm tired of you bitches"

I got back into Dar'Mels car and started it up.

"Bae what are you doing" He said standing in front of the car


"For wha-"

He hurried and moved out the way because I had pressed the gas... I started going super fast I saw Evonne and Rachel talking with there backs turned away from the car. I pushed the gas even more and hit them. They were on the hood and I rammed them in between My car and Evonne car to break there bodies in half. BOOM CLASH BANG the cars smashed together.

Everything goes black.

30 minutes later

I hear sirens and I look up it's a couple fireman trying to get me out. I don't know what had gotten over me honestly, I just remember blacking out it's horrible someone that I loved as my best friend I might've just killed and my biological mother I might've just killed not to mention the fact my little brothers might've just lost their mom. Ohhh Majesti what where you thinking this is not okay... now I'm starting to regret everything I just did.

"Majesti can you hear me" I heard a fireman say

I tried to nod my head but it wasn't moving.. and I just blinked twice to let him know yes I can. They had the neck brace around my neck to keep it stable and then started pulling me out. It looks like they already got Evonne and Rachel out from between the cars.

They put me on the stretcher and put me in the ambulance we all was on our way to the hospital and I just couldn't wrap my head around everything I real life have a problem and don't know if this can be fixed I've never gotten that angry a day in my life and it's all just so crazy to me.

They rush us all to the emergency rooms and after a couple hours later we all had gotten surgery done. I was laying in my hospital bed when Dar'Mel, Leslie and my father walked in.

"Hey girly how you feeling" Leslie said

"In pain and sleepy" I said

"I need to tell you something" Dar'Mel said

"Go ahead" I said

He grabbed my hand and held it real tight.

"Look babygirl, I will always love you and always have a place for you in my heart but after today you really need to get help and I don't want to be with a killer that has no valuable explanation for what they did, I'll be waiting for you when you get out of anger management or something but, I just can't do this anymore.. I'm sorry but I love you" he kissed me on my forehead one last time

I still held onto his hand and I started to cry silently.

"I understand... and I agree... I... do... need help and I'm... sorry I put you through this." As I pulled away from his hand and wiped my eyes he still stayed in the room to keep me company

"Awe it's okay beautiful everything is going to be okay." My father said

"Yeah everything is going to be fine." Leslie said

"Aren't you supposed to be back in Compton !" I asked Leslie

"Yeah but, I heard what happened so I had to come see you." She said putting her hand on my head

As all three of them were comforting me, someone in all black came busting through the door.

"I've been looking for you"


To be continued.....

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