Hurricane: XVI

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Chapter sixteen:

As I was laying there thinking about my life.. the doc came in... but, he came in with this certain look on his face like it was bad news.

"Wassup doc! why the face?" I asked

"Well idk how to put this" the doc said nervously

"Doc just tell me I don't need sugar coating..please just say it" I said annoyed

"Well Majesti you're going to have to get surgery... you have a fracture" the doc said pulling my X-ray up

"I've had a lot of those they'll heal... how did this even come about" I asked

"Well when you passed out your ankle looked weird so we asked your parents for permission to take an X-ray and welp just so happens you have a fracture" the doc said writing on his paper

"Those aren't my parents I don't claim them" I said rolling my eyes

"Any questions?" The doc asked me

"No" I said laying down


After that the doc had walked out.. I was sitting on my phone and I was getting a FaceTime call from a random number I didn't answer the first but, they kept calling.. I answered after about the sixth time but I had the phone facing the ceiling.

"Hello" I said in a manly voice

"Yeah, is this Majesti" random voice said

"Who's asking" I said in my manly voice


Instantly my face lit up it seem like the only person I wanted to talk to right now.

"Oh hey... I didn't know who this was" I said looking into the phone

"Hey mama.. where you at" Dar'Mel said

"I'm in the hospital" I said

"What happened" he questioned

"A lot honestly.."

As I was talking to him I seen some female in the back that looked very familiar actually two people...

"Whose that female in the back?" I asked squinting my eyes to see better

"That's my cousin Branay"

After he said that I just hung the phone up on him. This is just not my week I don't know what I did wrong but, lord please forgive me. He kept trying to call and I just didn't want to bothered so I turned my phone on DND for a couple hours.

30 minutes later

After taking a nap... I realized I was in one of them hospital rooms I wasn't in the ER anymore. Leslie has walked in.

"Hey you're awake how you feeling?" Leslie said

"I'm sleepy honestly" I said

" I feel you" she said

As I glanced up at the tv I saw a name.

"Hey turn the tv up" Leslie said

I turned the tv up

-breaking news... there was a man found in the Jail cell shower, he's been dead for a couple weeks now, he's had no food or water, his name was Anthony Jogers-

I had turned the tv off and Leslie and I just glanced at each other, we didn't know rather to be happy or sad, as I was thinking my father walked in and he was teary eyes.

"John what's wrong" Leslie said

"My little brother man.. he dead man he dead" he said sobbing

"Who's your brother" I said

"Anthony" he said still crying

I just starred at him

"Why aren't you upset your uncle died" he said wiping his face

Leslie and I just looked at each other and she nodded her head

"My so called uncle rapped me after you left me to be in a foster home"

After that it was dead silence

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