Chapter 3 (F)

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Chapter Three - Frank's P.O.V

I woke up with a burning sensation on my lips, but that was the least of my worries right now. I had no memory of what happened after the beatings Danny and Ben oh-so-kindly dished out to me before hitting me with the silver plate the beatings were dished on. I had no idea where I was, or who was with me; all I could tell was that I was in a car. Oh shit... I'm being kidnapped! With no idea what the hell to do, I did what I thought was right. I screamed, very freaking loud. The driver, who was yet to be identified, was clearly not expecting the outburst, he screaming and swerved the car.

"WHAT THE FUCK, FRANK?!" The driver turned to look at me. Instead of the masked, middle-aged, balding, paedophile I was expecting, I was greeted by the beautiful, almost perfect face belonging to Gerard Way. "I-I-I-I'm so sorry Gee, I thought I was being kidnapped and I didn't know what to do...." Saying that out loud made me sound stupid and ridiculous. Just like I am. Instead of just shouting at me again, he giggled. It was like an eargasm....

"An eargasm, eh? I haven't heard that one before" I hadn't realised that I said that out loud... Well that's embarrassing... Wait a minute... he winked at me. Gerard FREAKING Way winked at me. ME! A blush creeped up my bruised cheeks, and a grin so wide it could fit a canoe in sweeped across my face. I just realised that I had no idea why I was in the car with him; I still didn't know where I was going... "Hey Gerard?"

"Yeah Frank?"

"Where the fuck are we going?"

"My place." He smirked, why the hell was he smirking? I'm gonna get raped...

"W-W-Why?" I barely managed to choke out.

"To sort your face up, of course... and no, you're not going to get raped" Then he muttered something I couldn't understand. Again. I really needed to ask him about that. But that, right now, had to wait. We pulled up to a pretty nice house; it was a small-ish, detached house and was pretty far away from anywhere. It was like he lived in the middle of a forest. Definitely going to get raped. Or killed. Or killed THEN raped...

I was snapped out of my thoughts (which was probably for the best) by the feeling of being carried, which sent me into blind panic. I lashed out, kicking and screaming, desperate to get away from the ultimate doom my teacher was leading me to. "Fucking hell Frankie! I told you, you're not going to die and you're not going to be raped. Now please remove your fist from my face and your feet from my kidneys." He seemed angry at me. I hated it when people got angry at me; it usually led to emotional and physical pain.

"I-I-I'm sorry Gee, I didn't mean to annoy you, I'm so stupid. Please don't hurt me...." My voice failing me and trailing off at the end.

"Awhh honey, there's nothing to be sorry for, I understand that I frightened you. But please know that I will never hurt you. Ever." And with that he kissed my forehead and led me into his house, making me mentally question what the fuck just happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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