Chapter 3: The Truth

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Before I start Chapter 3, I just want to thank you all for getting this story to 100 reads. It means a lot so thank you ((:


When you finally took a seat, Edward told you everything. How he lost his arm and leg, how Alphonse lost his entire body, and how they tried to perform human transmutation. It was too much for you to comprehend all at once.

"E-Edward.. A-Alphonse, is this really true?" you ask.

"Unfortunately. This entire time you were gone we've been searching for the philosophers stone. We think it can get are bodies back." Edward said hopefully. "(Y/n) please don't look so down. It was our own fault, so don't go blaming this on yourself or don't go pitying us."

You feel the tears start to form, and you can't hold them in any longer.

"I-I want to help you two! I can't stand to see you guys so s-sad. I.." you trail off.

Edward walks up to you and takes his red coat and wipes away your tears.

"Look (y/n) we appreciate the offer but this is something we have to do on our own. Plus it's way too dangerous for you." he looks up at your face. "I want to protect you.."

You can feel your face turning red so you look down. "But Edward, I don't want to be alone again. I can't go back to that dark place.. or my father... " you trail off.

"Did you just say something about your father?"

"Y-Yeah.. I remembered something."

"Well tell me!" he said.

"I remembered why I was in that town, and why I was unconscious. Now Edward please don't get upset when I tell you this.." you ask politely.

"Sure sure just speak."

"See, a few months ago I ran away from my father for many reasons. The main reason was that he started to.." you choke back tears again. "he started to abuse me! H-His job wasn't giving him very much money, and he would always take it out his anger on me. Whenever he came home, he would shout my name. '(Y/n)! Get you ass over here. I need a to have word with you.' After his talk he would punch or choke me until he was satisfied. I was always left a little bloody mess. I couldn't take it anymore Edward. So I ran away from him. Never was I going to look back. Everything was going perfect until he found me.. and that's when you saw me. I-It was a lot worse then just punching or choking me. I-I don't want to remember that pain again.." you say while crying and looking at him. "I don't know what to do!"

Edwards hands made the form of a fist. "That sick bastard!" he yelled. "This isn't right.." he looked at you. "(Y/n) why didn't you tell me sooner.."

"I-I told you I just remembered this now.."

"We need to do something about him. We can't just let him get away with this."

You run up to Edward and hug him as hard as you can. "Edward," you whisper while smiling and crying. "I already know what to do. When I'm with you, I feel safer and happier than I event have. I've missed both of you so much. Even if my father comes and tries to find me, it doesn't matter. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy."

Edward turned red. "(Y-Y/n).. I.. I.."

You get to the words before he can. "I love you Edward."

He smiles. "I love you too."


Chapter 4 in progress.


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