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I walked down the road to go in a nearby store--- after talking with Mr.Ruther, Rose called me out and order to buy all the things in the list, while walking I heard a voice in the other side on the road;

"Yo, What's with your Airpod? It looks wierd.."

I looked at them as some Tanned looking guy talking to some asian guy as they stand infront of the porch;

"You dumb fuk, This is a hearing aid. Didn't you know that? My god."

The asian guy roll his eyes as the Tanned one scratch it's head;

"Yeah yeah, sorry about that.."

I shookt my head and continue to walk, What is Airpod? I didn't know what in heaven is that.

I turn to the left side of the road as I see the store, This village is so huge! It's almost like a city but full of house and some stores,

As I got inside, I grabbed a basket and started searching for everything on the list;

"Uh, Peanut butter, Spinach, Noodles, Celery..."

I read the list as I know some of them, Putting them in the basket, I continue to search for the others,

"Coffee...Milk, Carrots, Lettuce, One bottle of tomato sauce.."

I continue to read it out loud as I grabbed all the ingredients in the shelf as I walked.


I almost got pushed down when a child bump into me, It almost look like 4 years old---When I looked into it's eyes, I almost gasped in shock, It has two different colors!

"I-I'm sorry mister!"

The child gasped as he stand up, cleaning his clean blue shirt--- I nodded my head and smile;

"It's all right, I'm not hurt anyway, Are you okay?"

I asked as he nodded his head, he whined in pain as he hold his arms;

I put down the basket as I kneel down, holding his soft chubby wrist;

"What's your name dear?"

I smile as he looked at me in confusion before answering;

"I'm Autumn..."

He answer as I massage his wrist, I wipe the small tears in his eyes as he looked at me;

"I'm Henry... Where's your guardian?"

I asked as the child named Autumn looked at me;

"Uhhh, I got here alone..I'm hungry.."

He answered as I raised my brow, Everyone here is living in a luxurious life, How come this boy didn't have maids or anything?

"Would you like anything? I can buy it for you."

I smiled as I offer him my hand, he clutched it and smiled;

"Yes! I would like a Chocolate, Please!"

He smiled as I nodded my head and pull him with me as we get everything I need in the list, As soon as I'm done. I also grab a two piece of chocolate bars and a bottle of juice for me..

While in the line, The cashier was checking out my stuff as she looked at me and spoke;

"It's $45.20 dollars, sir."

She answered as I pulled out the money that Rose gave me realizing it was only $40.20..

As I gave the cashier the money, I pulled out my old looking wallet as I grabbed extra $5 for the snacks that weren't on the list..

As I hold my paperbag, I gave Autumn the two piece of chocolate bar and told him;

"Here's for you, Eat well, Okay? I got to go now. I hope you know where you lived, Alright?"

I smiled as Autumn hugged me on the waist---

"Thank you so much! You're such a kind man!"

Autumn smiled as he ran off to the other side of the road, Maybe--going home or whatever.

I turn around and started walking back to the House with a hunger in my stomach;

#10: In help.

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