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Everybody is busy with their business, walking around looking at all the stuff that the stall have been selling, Some where watching a performer sing a song and more.

Henry was amazed. Nevertheless, It was clearly new to him, Kristela was busy looking around to buy some things that she wanted to bought-- yet after a few minutes, she turned around and asked Henry;

"Would you like to eat breakfast first?"

She asked as Hnery nodded his head, They walked toward a near coffee shop as they walked in, getting in lines.

"Hold up, I needed to pee."

Kristela spoked as she left Henry with her bag and told him to order what he wants, It's been a minute later when a child is tugging his bracelet that he was wearing, He looked down to see a boy between 7 years old tugging it like it was trying to get it from him;

"Child, That wasn't nice."

He softly spoked as the child looked at him and glare before running somewhere, finally leaving him or that's what he thought.

"Excuse me."

He looked to the Lady who's holding a purse, She looked at him straightly and spoked;

"Can you give me your bracelet? My Child want it."


I looked at her in disbelief, She can't just do that so easily!

She stated calmly as I shook my head before answering her;

"I'm sorry ma'am but this is mine, I can't give it to your child like that."

I stated as her face turn into frowned, Then she started yelling at me;

"How dare you?! My Child want it and He deserved it! Give it to him that! Now!"

She yelled and tried to snatch my bracelet which my father gave, I moved my hand away as I looked at her;

"Ma'am, I can't. This is mine and you shouldn't do that, That's rude."

I said as she glare at me--- trying to scratch me as she wanted to snatch the bracelet off me;

"Mommy! I want it! I wanted it!"

Her child cries as the mother looked at her son before glaring at me once again;

"You Bastard! How dare you make my child cry? Give me the fucking bracelet!"

She screeched as she started to pushed me as some people where doing nothing and looking at us with concern and confusion;

"Who own this ugly child standing over here..?"

The woman stopped as she looked behind--- I looked at the person who spoked and it was Kristela!

"Excuse me!? How dare you speak to my child like that?!"

She yelled and started screaming, Kristela walked over us as she grabbed her bag from my hand;

"Oh, So this is your child? I didn't notice it quickly, Your child look unvaccinated."

She smirked as the woman glared at she started throwing profanities at us;

"How dare you, you fucking bitch! Give the bracelet or I will call the cops!"

She yelled as Kristela walked over to her, She was small yet she's very terrifying..

"Hey, I want to tell you this. Why would you have a guts to asked someone to give their stuff to your precious child and don't start me with the 'he or she deserve it bullshit' or We're old enough to be owning this or that.

We don't fucking care. You're not even doing the right parenting anyway, The society doesn't need to adjust on a selfish bitch like you, Why don't you just buy what your child want? not acting so scandalous and desperate asking people to gave their stuff because your child deserved it. No, I feel pity for the child you have because you don't have enough brain cells to know what is right or wrong, Sorry not sorry but you're making me...a little bit piss."

Kristela smiled as the Mother looked at us with a horrible look, She was about to speak profanities when Kristela cut her off again;

"Shush, You don't want me to cast some witch shit on you, don't you? I better suggest that you and your child leave this shop already, I don't want to be suffocated on the stupidity that you're spreading. Thank you and have a nice day."

The lady glared at us before holding her child hands and walked away not before bumping me as she walked out;

"Goddamn EM.."

Kristela cursed as we realized that we're already infront. Kristela order a cup of hot chocolate and a strawberry mousse, She order me a slice of chocolate cake and milk as we walked toward a table near the window;

Well, That's disturbing.

#15: Entitled.

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