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"Bye Channie-hyung!" The said male waved back before going out of the library, leaving Felix and Seungmin sitting by the table.

They went to the library to study peacefully, as they were unable to do so in their own classroom. As they entered the library, they saw Chan who was also studying. The older didn't hesitate to invite them to join him. And that's how the three of them ended up studying together.

Chan didn't stay longer though. He was called by his teacher, saying that he needed his help so he left.

Felix groaned and leaned to his chair, dropping his pen on the table. Seungmin stared at him in confusion.

"That's it! I don't want to study anymore. I'll just draw or something." He reached for his notebook and started to draw with a pout on his face.

Seungmin shook his head. "Don't ask me for answers during our examinations, okay?" The blond-haired stopped drawing and looked up, staring at Seungmin in disbelief.

"Yah! I'm not that kind of person!"

"Yeah, yeah. Sure."

"Aish. I hate you."

"Don't worry, I hate you too."

After that, the both of them continued on doing what they were doing. There was silence between them but it wasn't an awkward one. Soon, Seungmin got tired of studying when nothing was entering his mind.

He glanced at Felix, suddenly remembering what he wanted to ask the older about for a long time.



"Why do you still hang out with Chan hyung?"

"He's fun to be with, what's wrong with that?" Felix raised his eyebrow. He was a bit confused of what the younger had just said.

"I mean, you have a past with him, right? Isn't it, like, hard? 'Cause everytime you saw him, you're like...you couldn't help but remember what happened that time." Seungmin felt bad when he saw Felix's face lacking of emotion. He thought that he made the blond-haired upset, based on the reaction he got.

Seungmin was about to apologize but his eyes widened when he heard a soft chuckle and felt a hand ruffling his hair.

"The past is supposed to stay behind. We might not forget it, but that's how life works, right? You experienced those things so that you can learn from it. Back then, I realized that Chan wasn't the one for me, so I simply gave up. We still became friends despite all of that because we learned to move on. And don't apologize, Minnie. It's alright. I'm fine. I don't love him anymore, I have someone else in my mind."

"If you say so...wait, someone else in your mind?"

Felix only smiled and turned his attention back to his drawing. Seungmin clicked his tongue and cracked his neck. He looked down to see what Felix was drawing.

He was drawing a person. Seungmin squinted his eyes and looked closely. He knew this person and it was—

"Of course! Why did I forget about Changbin hyung?! I knew you have feeli—"

"Keep it down, Minnie!"

"Gosh, I've been waiting for this. Go get your man, Lix!"

"Shut upppp!"


so im alive and well hehe. sorry for not updating for a long time! it took me some time to write this 'coz i was having a writer's block sksksksk.

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