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There was silence between them. It was suffocating. For Felix, at least. He doesn't like it. All he wanted was to get away from Changbin because right now, he still wasn't ready to face him. He tried pulling from the tight hold, but the older refused to let go. Felix sighed exasperately. "Let go," he said once again, their eyes meeting when he looked up. Changbin was staring at him with full of sadness and guilt in his eyes. He looked like he was going to cry. The sight made Felix's heart ached.

"Felix, I...I'm really, really sorry. I'm sorry for yelling at you. All the things I said...I didn't mean it. Believe me. I know that I'm not the best boyfriend to you, and I know that I'm still lacking but...I love you so much. I really do. That's why, if there's anything you want me to change, I'd do it. For you." The younger stopped struggling. Seeing that as a chance, Changbin held his hands, interlocking their fingers. "I am truly sorry, babe. I really am." he added.

After a few seconds, Felix wasn't still saying anything. Changbin felt his heart breaking to the thought of his boyfriend hating him. Dejectedly, he slowly took his hands away but in the midst of doing it, he was surprised when Felix squeezed his hands.

"Hyung," he started. "there's nothing you have to change. You're already fine the way you are. You've been the best boyfriend to me and I couldn't ask for more. I'm also at fault, I didn't tried to understand the situation you were in. I'm sorry, too."

Changbin raised his hand to brush Felix's fading blond hair, the freckled boy leaning into his touch.

"So we're okay?"


"Do you forgive me?"


"Do you still love me?"


"Are you jealous with Chaeyeon?"

"Ye—no! I'm not! Pfft, why would I be?"

"Because you mentioned earlier—"

"I did not!" Felix pouted, making Changbin laugh. He pulled the younger closer to him.

"There's nothing to be jealous of, baby. Chaeyeon's only my friend. Besides, she's courting somebody else so you don't have to worry." He pecked Felix's lips. "You're the only one I love, Lee Felix. There's no one but you who could make me feel like this."

The blond-haired male's breath hitched. He softly whispered;

"Kiss me."

And so, Changbin did.


"Gosh, finally. My ship made up. Now I can sleep peacefully tonight." Chan dramatically said, letting out a sigh of relief. Woojin shook his head at his boyfriend's action, smiling. "So dramatic," he muttered under his breath before turning to Felix, ruffling the younger's hair. Felix groaned, pushing away Woojin's hand. Everyone laughed.

Seungmin watched them as he had his elbow on the table, propping up his chin. He was happy that all of them were happy and well. He glanced at Hyunjin, who gave him a wink. He smiled. Yeah, he was contented with all of this.

They continued talking until Jeongin arrived with someone they haven't seen before. What made them curious was how the two were holding hands. Like a couple.

"Uhh, guys, this is—"

"Hello, I'm Bang Yedam. Jeongin's boyfriend." The guy who introduced himself as Yedam smiled. Jeongin's face turned red as he pouted. The other male pinched his cheek.

The others cooed at the sight. Jisung moved over to give them space to sit. Upon sitting, Yedam was bombarded with questions on how the two of them met or something like that. Chan laughed at the enthusiastic welcome that his friends gave. "Come on, guys. Don't overwhelm the poor boy. Be nice." And like a leader he was, they understood and followed him.

Yedam talked about their first meet slowly with fondness lacing his voice. Hyunjin faked crying after, saying such things as 'Jeongin is not a baby anymore, huhu.' Seungmin was nodding proudly like a parent. Minho and Woojin were smiling at the younger. And Felix couldn't be more happy.

"All of us got our own happy endings, huh?" They nodded with smiles on their faces. Felix felt a hand over his own, to which he clasped tightly. Looking over Changbin, he gave him the smile that the older really adore. Changbin smiled back.

"How about," Chan clapped his hands. "tomorrow night, let's have a sleep over together?!" he excitedly announced. "Whose place though?" Jisung asked.


"Wha—I didn't agreed to this!"



A sigh. "Okay...I guess."

Seungmin scoffed. "Whipped," It made Woojin glare at him but nevertheless, he didn't deny it (because he was definitely super whipped for the other). Minho laughed quietly.

"Then, it's all settled! Yedam-ah, join us, okay?"

"M-Me?" The black-haired male seemed surprised by them. Although this was the first time he met them, they were already treating him like he was one of them. Jeongin smiled at him, booping his nose.

"Of course!" Jisung exclaimed. "Since you're Innie's boyfriend, you're welcome to our group!" Hyunjin added, smiling.

"Thanks guys..." Yedam sincerely said.

"You're welcome."


the next chapter will be the last. :')
althought i don't want to end this, it needs to be done.

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