Chapter 4: Day Four

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Hey guys. Sorry it's up so late, I went to the zoo with my mom, dad, sister, cousin and my cousin's wife and daughter. So it was a busy day! And sadly, my fish Squirt passed away, I got him last July sometime after my fish Stanley passed away. I miss him. But, this chapter was already done but I still miss him. The next update will be Monday, and then I'll post whatever I haven't posted (which, so far, I JUST finished Chapter 7. Most chapters will be a couple pages long.) because I'm having surgery on Wednesday and you guys can check it out while I'm gone. Also, The Solution will be out in October!! Sequel to Still Believe. Who's excited?????? :) I am!! I'm on chapter 2 but I've been so busy with this story! I'll write some tomorrow :) Anyways here's chapter 4. Thanks for reading :) -Sarah

What? "What?" I asked.

"Harry went to meet fans after the show, and now we can't find him anywhere." Niall explained.

"Did your call his cell phone?"

"Yes and he didn't answer. We've been trying for an hour." Zayn said.

Liam got up. "I'll go find him."

"Liam no! Who or whatever took him would take you, too."

"We can't just sit and wait for him."

"We'll find him, I promise."

"Simon is going all around town looking for him, and he put Louis in charge of keeping all of us together."

"Where was Louis when Harry left?" I asked.

"In the lou."

"And where is he now?"

The boys all looked around, and Louis wasn't here. "What are you thinking, Emily?"

"I'm thinking Louis got jealous of me and Harry, when there's no reason to be jealous and I think he tricked him and is keeping him captive somewhere."

"None of us had ever been to Conneticut. Do you by chance know where he would've taken him?"

"An alley."


We'd be searching for an hour, and we found an alley. I got out of the car while the boys went to park and get into position. I looked in the alley, and sure enough, there Louis and Harry were.

I slowly walked in and into the light. "Hi guys." I said. Louis jumped up.

"Emily, I can explain--"

"No you can't." Niall's voice called out. The other boys stepped into the light, surrounding me so that Louis couldn't get away. "What have you done with Harry?"

Louis pointed to the ground, where Harry was laying. I bent down to check on him, while Niall and Zayn got a hold of Louis so he wouldn't try to get me.

"Harry, can you hear me?" I asked.

Harry opened his eyes and squinted. His nose was bloody and his face had a bunch of scars. He had a huge huge open sore on his arm, followed by little tiny ones. "Yeah, I'm okay."

Liam smiled and Niall and Zayn took Louis away. Liam helped me carry Harry to the car.

"It's okay, we'll get you to safety." I said.

"Thanks Emily." he smiled.

We drove back to the bus and Zayn and Niall took Louis to Simon. Liam and I helped Harry's sores.

Liam wet a rag with soap and water while I got some antibacterical medicine and bandaids and a gauze bandage.

Harry sat on the couch as Liam and I sat on either side of him. Liam gently dabbed the rag onto the large cut.

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