Chapter 5 - Ancient Sheikah Technology

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Chapter 5 - Ancient Sheikah Technology

Summary: Link expands the power of the Sheikah Slate using the recently activated shrines. Then he and Mipha travel to Rito Village to prepare to reclaim Divine Beast Vah Medoh.

The sun had risen and was shining over the Dueling Peaks when Link awoke and sat up. He was disoriented at first, then remembered where he was, atop a Sheikah Tower, and relaxed. The small campfire from the night before had burned out, and on the other side of the embers, he could see Mipha. Well, see her in a sense. You had to already know it was her because she was all wrapped up in a blanket, and all you could make out was the top of her head. She was still asleep, and he could hear her gentle breathing.

Link had been worried about Mipha coming with him at first, fearing for her safety. No one knew how sick he felt inside when he thought she had perished inside Ruta. It had hit him physically, like a simultaneous punch to the gut and a blow to the head. He felt a buzzing in his head and numbness in his chest. He had to stop for a moment and take deep breaths to steady himself, which Princess Zelda took to be a reaction to all the rest of the horror unfolding around them. It was only the constant distraction of danger, battling endless Guardians and urgently seeking safety for the Princess, that held his grief in check. If he and Zelda had made it to safety somewhere, he would have broken down in tears. But there had been no time for tears, no time to do anything but try to save their lives. And then the shock and joy of seeing Mipha alive when he awoke changed everything. He had quietly given thanks to Hylia every day since.

So, yes, he had worried at first about her safety. But now he had to admit it was nice having her here with him. He had done his share of adventuring, and this was the first time he had a worthy companion, someone who could not only take care of herself but even assist him in combat. He was seeing the Champion side of her, and that was a new experience. But besides all that, having her here was a chance to spend more time with the person he had fallen in love with.

After a few more minutes, he heard movement and Mipha poked her head out from under the blanket. She saw him and smiled.

"I slept like a snail," said Mipha. "You okay?"

"Yes, fine," laughed Link. "You looked pretty cozy. I'm glad sleeping up here worked out for you."

"It worked fine, "said Mipha." And I slept soundly, secure in knowing you were here with me."

"We should get some breakfast, and then I need to get started on those shrines," said Link.

They packed everything up and made their way down the tower to the now-empty Bokoblin camp. Mipha went to the nearby water and caught two more fish, saving the provisions they carried for when they might be needed, while Link lit a fire under the cooking pot. As his fish cooked, Link discussed the shrines.

"I wonder what the reaction back in the domain must be to that old shrine below the slumber pools. I assume it must have suddenly lit up like the ones here," said Link. "I hope they're not frightened."

"Probably more curious than frightened," said Mipha. "That shrine must be almost as old as the domain itself."

"I know Princess Zelda would be very excited to see this," said Link. "She was fascinated by this ancient technology and wanted so much to access these shrines."

"Do you think of her often?" said Mipha.

"I wouldn't say it was often, more like sometimes," said Link. "Usually, only when something reminds me."

After finishing breakfast, it was time to investigate the first shrine, which was just a short walk away. Link stood alongside the pedestal by the shrine entrance and took the Sheikah Slate in hand.

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