Chapter 8 - Reclaiming Naboris

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Chapter 8 - Reclaiming Naboris

Summary: Link and Mipha spend a morning in Gerudo Town, and Link learns something about love. Then they meet with Gerudo leadership and seek to wrest control of Divine Beast Vah Naboris, causing Link some emotional up's and down's.

It was late morning when Link finally awoke, and he had to admit the spa treatment had helped. The tension in his back and shoulders was gone entirely. And he had gotten away with it. The masseuse never noticed he was a Voe, at least as far as he knew. He stretched his arms then rose from the bed, making sure his veil was in place. When he looked for where he knew Mipha had slept, she wasn't there. But as he prepared to leave to look for her, the innkeeper called out to him.

"Sav'otta! You slept very well! Your friend said she was going shopping," said the innkeeper. "I'll bet you're happy now you chose the spa treatment, right?"

Link nodded in agreement and then left to look for Mipha.

The plaza was quite busy now, a far different picture from the night before. Tall Gerudo women were strolling about, chatting, browsing the merchandise at shops, and buying food. Mipha should be easy to spot, but he didn't see her. He walked around the area, poking his head into buildings. He hoped she hadn't wandered outside the city. Then he finally spotted her standing by the door to one of the rooms near the barracks. He didn't dare call out, as his voice was not 'Vai like' enough and guards were nearby. But he waved and caught her eye. She beckoned him to join her.

"Sav'otta!" said Mipha. "You look very refreshed! It must have been the spa treatment."

"You've become very Gerudo," whispered Link. "We need to speak with the person in charge about Naboris."

"I already spoke to the guards about seeing her," said Mipha. "The soonest she has time for us is after lunch. We have the morning to ourselves."

"That's a shame," whispered Link. "I was hoping to get an early start today."

"Given how late you slept, that's hardly possible," said Mipha.

Link checked the sun's position and realized it was much later than he thought. He had slept well.

"But now I'm glad you got here in time," said Mipha. "I want us to sit in on this class."

"What class?" said Link.

"It's a class for Gerudo Vai who grew up here and have never met a Voe in their whole life," said Mipha. "It teaches them how to relate to a Voe as they prepare to leave and make their way in Hyrule. But the instructor said some students also take the class as a refresher course."

"You spoke with the instructor?" said Link. "What in the name of Hylia did you talk about? And what would this class have to do with either of us?"

"I told her about a shy friend I know," said Mipha. "The instructor said this class might help her."

Mipha was looking at him and smiling.

"I hope I'm not thinking what I think you're thinking," said Link.

"I think you may be, but I'm still parsing your sentence," laughed Mipha.

"Are you serious?" said Link. "What if I'm found out? Can't we just stroll around town or something?"

Just then, the instructor saw them by the door and approached.

"Ah, Mipha, this must be your friend Linka you've been telling me about," said Aspa.

"Welcome, Linka," said Aspa turning to Link. "My name is Aspa, and I am the instructor. Mipha tells me you're on the shy side and could use some help. This is the perfect class for that! We're about to start, so please come in and join us."

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