Chapter 9 - The Master Sword

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Chapter 9 - The Master Sword

Summary: Link and Mipha travel to the Lost Woods to retrieve the sword that seals the darkness. As Link thinks of parting company with her the following day, he reflects on the end of their time together and how life will soon pull them apart.

Mipha woke up first early next morning at Gerudo Canyon Stable and immediately went off to soak in the small pool of water behind the nearby shrine, leaving word with the stable master so that Link could find her. It was a typical sunny morning by the desert and promised to be a hot, cloudless day. The pool of water was still cold from the night before and quite refreshing. She relaxed as she sunk into the water and let her thoughts wander.

She wondered how her family was doing, and she missed them. She had never been so far away from them and for so long a time. But her father understood how she felt and supported what she was doing and why. Little Sidon would be angry at her at first for neglecting him for so long, probably sulk a little upon her return to show his displeasure. But he would get over it once they started playing together again.

Traveling with Link had been a wonderful experience, and they still had a bit more traveling ahead of them before they parted ways. Besides all they had accomplished, she sensed some barriers were falling, and Link was coming to terms with his feelings, growing more aware of both hers and his own. Soon Link would reclaim his sword, and she would return to Ruta to give him and the Princess her support. Then they could finally finish what they had hoped to accomplish that fateful afternoon at East Lanayru Road. That seemed so long ago now, yet it had been only weeks.

When their task was done Princess Zelda, now really Queen Zelda, would return and begin to rule Hyrule. She wondered what Link's reaction to that would be, what his feelings for Zelda would be upon her return? Should she have her talk with Link before or after that? Or should it make any difference?

Her thoughts were interrupted when Link arrived at the pool.

"You look very comfortable!" said Link with a smile.

"Yes, I am," said Mipha. "I wanted to get enough water time in before we left. Are we leaving now?"

"Only if you're ready," said Link. "I'll make you an omelet."

"I'm ready," said Mipha. "How could I pass up one of your famous omelets? I'll come down with you."

Link made two omelets, and they ate their light breakfast at the stable pot. Then Link checked out Epona and the horse Mipha had been riding and began the ride back east along the Gerudo Canyon to the Regencia River.

"Are you excited?" said Mipha. "To get your sword back, I mean?"

"Very much so," said Link. "I hope it's ready. Will you come with me to get it? I'd like your company, and it's not too much out of your way."

"If you like, I would be happy to," said Mipha. "Am I permitted to go with you? I thought its location was secret."

"It is, but I know how to find it," said Link. "And I don't think it needs to be secret from you."

The ride was uneventful until they reached the end of the Gerudo Canyon and the Digdogg Suspension Bridge. Mipha saw some fish in the water below and dove in. She came back with two Staminoka Basses and a Hearty Bass.

"Lunch!" said Mipha. Link built a fire and cooked the Hearty Bass for himself while Mipha ate the rest. While they were finishing lunch, Mipha had a suggestion.

"Why don't we leave the horses at Outskirt Stable and travel on the water the rest of the way?" said Mipha. "I think the route is more direct. We can follow the water north of Hyrule Castle and proceed to the Lost Woods from there. And I can help you in the water."

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