Killing The Lies To Find The Truth

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Shuichi POV

I need answers. I need to know... I want, no, I need him to be alive. Right now, Tenko and Angie are my only source of answers. I'll tap their minds dry if I have to... I just need to know...

Is Kokichi still alive?

I walked up to the three girls, Tenko frantically trying to calm down Himiko, while Angie embraces Himiko is a reassuring hug. 'Answers... I need answers...' that is all that ran through my head, as images of everyone flooded my head with each step I took.

"Tenko, I need to talk to you." I looked the girl dead in her eyes, which were now blossoming with life. She looked at me, doubt covering her face like a mask.

"You better not try anything you degenerate male!" Tenko said as she got up. My back was already turned from her, as I started to walk towards the exit of the Hanger. Before stepping out, I looked over my shoulder, just to make sure Tenko was following me...

As we exited the area, Tenko spoke up.

"I'm guessing you want to know about the others?"

Tenko POV

"I'm guessing you want to know about the others?" I might be hardheaded, but I know how to take a hint.

After all that had happened, why wouldn't a degenerate male have questions? Then again, I'm the one who gave the hint to the others still being alive...

I just twisted the truth a bit

Everyone is alive, but not ok... they are torn apart. Hell, some of them can't function on their own. Those mostly being the degenerate males...

"Yes... please Tenko... I need to know if they are still alive... if he is still alive..."

The desperation in his voice was clearer than day when he spoke. He wanted to know if that degenerate purple gremlin was still alive. I can't blame him, love is love. He accepted me when I told him I was Lesbian and Poly, so the best I can do for him is accept his love towards Kokichi. And the best was to accept that, is to tell him the truth.

"Yes, Kokichi is still alive. He has actually asked if you were still alive too. He hasn't changed a bit. Still calls us those stupid names. Only you have a good nickname in his book!"

Shuichi was frozen. His expression soon went from sad and desperate, to flustered and excited. He must really love that tiny jerk...


He practically screamed, which brought everyone's attention to us. He tackled me, to the point of me having to put a leg back and angle myself so I wouldn't fall. His emotional control is weaker, that is easy to see. Yet, he has gotten way stronger physically. Adrenaline? Not sure. But one thing I do know, is that we will use this strength to get Kokichi back. As well as the others.

I feel bad for him. He will be scarred once he sees what our friends have turned into...


Hello! I am so sorry it had been over a month since I've updated this book. Anyways I was thinking about adding art to this book. I may use my own art, but you guys can submit art as well! It you want to submit art for a chapter, just DM/PM me, I'll give you my email, and some Information in the next story/part. The first chapter has Information on what each character looks like now, so you can use that as a reference!

Until next time,

Type to ya later!!~♡

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