Plan of Disaster, Road of Destruction

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Gonta POV

"Hello Kokichi! Is there something you need from Gonta?"

Gonta got up with the help of ????????, and made his way to Kokichi. But, Kokichi never needs Gonta's help... so why now?

"Hello Kokichi! How can Gonta help you?"

"I need you to do some work for me. Bring Korekiyo with you."

Kokichi POV

I have a plan. To end this school. To end this damn game... I just need time... but time is something we don't have right now. My lab is filled with the blueprints of this school. Rope fre- Korekiyo's lab has some information on the schools past. We just need to get them. After that, we can get the threw true survivors, and leave this place in the ashes.

"Ok. So what Gonta and Korekiyo have to do?"

Just as his name was mentioned, Korekiyo came from behind and stood next to Gonta. He still had his mask down from when talking to Gonta, lipstick still red as ever.

"Hey, Korky, why don't you take that damn lipstick off? Isn't your sister the one who suppressed you, kept you down, basically forced you into inces-"

"One, don't call me 'Korky', ever again. Do, and your wheelchair shall be wheel-less the next day. Two, I'm forever attached to sister, no matter what. I was foolish to let her into my body... she won't leave me alone... I can't escape..."

He gripped the bandages that covered his arms like no tomorrow. Gonta had to stop him from accidentally removing them. That guy really need therapy... or an exorcism...

"Anyways, back to the topic at hand" I started once again, "Gonta, I need you to help get us to the surface."

"Are-are you sure you want Gonta for that? Gonta... might not be of much use..."

"NONSENSE~! All I need for you to do is get my wheelchair up through the door to the gym."

"Why do you need me again? I hope you didn't call me here just to mock me you gremlin" Korekiyo glared had at Kokichi. It's a lot less effective when he doesn't have his mask on.

"I need to- or for you to get into your lab. You have books on the history of this place, right?"

"Yes... why do you ask of this?"

Damn, I thought only his skin got boiled, not his brains...

"Ugg, your so mean something!! WAAAHAAA-" My fake crying was put to a stop by the rough bandages of Korekiyo's hand. His hand, now unwrapped, was covered in bloody cuts and blisters. 'Looks painful...' I thought

Korekiyo gave me one last hard glare. He then removed his bandage from my mouth, and made his way back to Gonta, that zippered mask covering his red lips again.

"Ugh, before I was so, rudely interrupted-, I was gonna say, I need you to get those books from your lab. I need them for something."

"What's in it for me then? I don't work without pay you know~ kukuku~"

"Eww... ok, first off, keep your gay rope fetish ass next to your boyfriend, second, I'll try, ok, try to get into Miu's lab and grab either some of her makeup, or toys for you. We have a deal?"

Damn, I kinda bit off more than I can chew there... I'm in a damn wheelchair, how am I supposed to get into the cum dumpsters lab, let alone her disgusting makeup and toys? Ehh, I'll figure it out. I am the Ultimate Supreme Leader after all! What can't I do!? Besides walking...

Korekiyo looked at Gonta, a smile spreading across the face of the gentle giant. His slightly cracked glasses raised with his smile. Korekiyo couldn't help but melt at the innocent smile his boyfriend bared. He knew that doing this for Kokichi would help them escape. He just has to play with this gremlin for a while, and everything will be ok, right?

"As long as you stop with the degrading nicknames and mockings of what my sister has made me, we have a deal"

"OK then! Let's get to work! After all, we don't have much time, right?"

Elsewhere under the school

Air system: Failing
Time left: Estimating...
System Error: Time left: unknown

Water system(s): multiple failing
Failing systems:
Filtration System
Distillation System
Time left: Estimating...
Time left: 11 days, 03 hours, 7 minutes

"Ahh yes... finally the Despair I've been hopelessly hoping for~!"

"Why do you do this? HOW do you do this? Don't you have any remorse"

"She hasn't felt any remorse for the people she had killed in years... she even tried to kill me once or twice... I was lucky to only get my leg speared..."

"Why did I take this job? I just wanna go be with my classmates..."


Hey... it's been a while, hasn't it? I'll be trying to get back into the swing of things, and what better way to do it than with a chapter filled with mystery?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2019 ⏰

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