Mai's Past Life (NaruXMai)

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Hi. My name is Mai Taniyama and I am a sophomore in high school. I work at SPR otherwise known as Shibuya Psychic Research and my boss's name is Kazuya Shibuya. But, the nickname that I gave him (very proudly I might add) is Naru the Narcissist for his ridiculously large ego and how he's so full of himself. He always thinks he's right no matter what and he's alwItays doing everything in his power to make his stupid ego bigger and- ugh, don't get me started! At this rate if I keep going we'll be here to until next week with my problems about Naru the freaking narcissist. I would've kept insulting Naru when I heard," MAI??? TEA!!!" I mentally groaned and made my way to the kitchen to make his stupid tea for like the millionth time. I boiled the water, put the water in the cup and mixed in his tea. I was walking out of the kitchen with his tea when I heard frantic knocking coming from the front door.

I set Naru's tea down and made my way towards the knocking. When I opened the door I came face to face with a woman who looked like she had seen a ghost. (It's a pun. Get it? No? Ok. Lol.) "Hi. My name is Mai. Welcome to SPR. Can I help you?" I asked the mystery woman.

"Yes, I believe my home is haunted. May I please come in to explain and hopefully gain your help in the situation?" the mystery woman asked hopefully.

"Yes, come on in. I'll grab my boss and make you some tea." I explained and I let her in.

"Thank you." She exclaimed to me.

"It's no problem, really. This is our job. Without people like you we would just be a bunch of loons with an office and some files. Haha, why don't you come on in and take a seat." I replied.

"Ok, thank you." she told me. Once we ended our little conversation we walked into the office and she took a seat on the couch. I left her halfway there, and left to go to Naru's office. I walked up and knocked then I heard a "come in" and then I walked in.

"What is it Mai? Can't you see I'm busy? And where is my tea?" he started to bombard me with questions.

"Yes, I know you're busy. Every time I come in here you tell me that. Your tea is in the kitchen and I'll bring it out once you go out there and acknowledge the client that's sitting in our waiting room." I smirked and walked back out to go re-heat Naru's tea and make some for our mystery woman/client. I could hear Naru sigh before I was out of hearing distance and heard his chair creak from the weight disapearing. I walked into the kitchen and made some more tea. I grabbed Naru's tea and made him a new batch so it wasn't cold and disgsting. I grab the cups and walked back in, to set the cups on the coffee table. I sat down on a chair between Naru and the mystery woman. Lin walked in with his computer (As always) and sat down in the corner.

"Hello. My name is Kizuya Shibuya and I run SPR. Could you please explain to me why we are here?" Naru implied rather impatiently.

"Yes. My name is Akane Ryuu and I believe my house to be haunted. Whenever my husband and child aren't home I will hear knocks coming throughout the wall, and doors will open and close by themselves. Whenever I return home things will be in different places then where I left them, or things will be turned on. Like one time I came home to find that the oven was on, and I could see the knobs turning. If I hadn't turned the knobs off, my house would've exploded. Then sometimes my daughter will wake up to find cuts and bruses all over her. She says she doesn't know how she got them, and my husband is angrier more than usual. Whenever he wouldn't be able to find something or would get impatient he would just be in a bad mood but when it happens now, he would storm off and sometimes punch the wall. Sometimes the furniture will move too, I'll come home and the furniture will be in differnet places around the room. We thought it was just somebody pranking us so we made sure we always had two people in the house at all times. But weird things still happened, and sometimes it got to the point where we will hear voices. They always say things like,"He must be punished.' . We have no idea who he could be because the only man in the house is my husband, so it doesn't make sense.

Sometimes the maid's eyes will change color and she will also say that he needs to be punished. It's starting to really scare my family. But, those are all the things that are happening. Will you take my case?" she asked looking very hopeful and about to cry.

"Yes, I will take your case. But, before we do, I would like to ask a question about your husband. How long have you and your husband been married?" Naru asked preparing for her answer.

"Only about a couple years. I'm his second wife. His first wife died in a car accident, along with their daughter. The girl was only in middle school, meaning she was only twelve or thirteen. According to him, a couple years after they died he moved and we started to fall in love. Then he proposed about a year and a half after we started dating. He was also my second husband too. We've been married for about two-three years. I would have the exact date but, when we got married we were really drunk and we don't really remember it. All we know is that we were both wearing rings for a couple months, then we had decided to get married for real. It's a possibility that we had been married longer but, we aren't one hundred percent sure." she replied back.

"Yes, thank you for the information. Now could you please give me your address?" Naru asked, again getting impatient.

"Sure!" She excidetly replied. She reached into her bag and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen to write down her address. She wrote it down then handed it to him. She was about to leave when Naru quickly told her how many rooms we would need for our investigation. She told us it wouldn't be a problem, and left the building. Then a voice interupted my thoughts.

"Mai! Can you call the others and tell them to be here tomorrow at seven am sharp. Also tell them some details about the case, so they won't be surprised with the information, and because there is a slim possibility of injury, they should know the dangers of going." Naru sternly replied.

"Ok Naru." I exclaimed, then walked off to call them but got stopped by Naru.

"And Mai?" (Naru)

"Yeesss?" I dragged on the 's' to show Naru I'm annoyed.

"Mai, attitude and I want some tea." Naru replied back with the same tone I used a moment ago.

"OH I WOULD BE DELIGHTED TO, YOUR HEIGHNESS!" I said with every syllable laced with sarcasm. Then I walked off, to make his stupid tea. I got on the phone and called everybody to prepare them for the case and give them the time they needed to be here. I made Naru his tea and brought it to him and he didn't even say thank you! I walked out mumbling things about stupid narcissists and how ungrateful Naru is. Then I walked towards my desk and started to do assistantly things. Before I knew it, it was already eight o'clock and I was packing up my things, preparing to leave. I put everything inside of my bag, grabbed it, and headed to the front fdoor. But, not before yelling to Naru about me leaving. "NNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUU! I'm leaving! Se you tomorrow morning!" And with that I took my leave. I left SPR and walked home. When I got home I made myself some dinner, and went to prepare for tomorrow. I walked into the bathroom to take a shower. Once I finished doing everything I needed, I walked into my room and got my clothed for tomroow prepared. Then I got dressed in black shorts and a T-shirt of my favorite band: Evanescence. I blowed-dried my hair and brushed it out. I walked back into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I walked back into my room and set my alarm clock for 6:00, 6:10, and 6:20 am, due to the fact that I like my sleep and if I don't set multiple alarms, I won't wake up, and I'll get to work late.

I got into bed and snuggled under the covers. I felt my eye-lids getting heavy and soon the darkness of sleep took me. But, before I fell into the darkness, I thought 'Why did that mystery woman look so familiar? And the way she was speaking about her's and her husband's relationship reminded me of my mom and my dad. My mom did die when I was in middle school and then my dad keft a couple years later. Thank god. I would go into the details but- wait a minute! What is today's date? I hurriedly grabbed my phone and checked the date. Oh my god! Tomorrow is my mom's death date and is the day that I'm going on a case which is way to close to my past for my liking. I reset my alarm to make it earlier so I could visit my mother's grave. Then I re-snuggled back into the covers, and let the darkness consume me once again.

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