Chapter Three: Dad?

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Recap: I stepped out from the back of the van and walked towards the client. I wasn't paying attention, but when I did I saw someone I never thought I would ever see again. Oh my god...

Oh my god... Dad. As soon as I saw him I dropped by bag and started to tear up. I turned around and ran out of the driveway. I ran past everybody while they were giving me wide-eyed looks probably wondering what the problem was. I stopped after a couple minutes of running and called Kumiko.

"Hey girl! it's only been a half an hour! I bet you missed me didn't you?!" (Kumiko)

"Kumiko?"I exclaimed through my sobs.

"Oh my gosh babes! What's wrong?!" Kumiko asked concerned.

"The client. Her husand is my dad!" (me)

"Oh my god! Are you ok?! Do you need me to come out there with my brother and beat the shit out of him?! Ohhh when I get my hands on him-" I cut Kumiko off.

"Kumiko calm down. I need you here but, you guys can't attack him. If he figures out who I am he'll kill me. He'll drag me away in my sleep and he'll torture me in the basement until I am dead! He's gonna kill me! Oh my god! He's gonna kill me! What am I gonna do?! I'm gonna be killed and there is nothing I can do!" I sarted rambling.

"Babes calm down. Hikaru and I will come there and stay in a hotel and we'll stay aorund to keep you safe. Tell your boss that he will be getting some assistants that will work for free for this one case, ok? He's not gonna kill you, we will protect you. We'll be there soon." (Kumiko)

"Ok, ok I am calm. Ok. Remember that house we used to talk about a lot as kids that's near that special temple?" (Me)

"Yeah I remember I'll be there in fifteen minutes with Hikaru and we'll stay at the hotel that's five minutes from there. You are not gonna die. Just remember that ok? Take deep breaths, and calm down. Just relax and breathe. Today is the day you lost someone, there is no need to go around getting stressed because you think you're gonna die. We'll be there soon, ok? Just take a deep breath and relax. Sit down and we'll be there soon. HIKARU, PACK YOUR STUFF AND GET READY WE'RE GOING TO SAVE MAI!" (Kumiko) After she said that I heard her brother thumping around and running into the room, asking what happened to me. She summed it up, and told him the story. He started doing what she did at first and said that he would kill my dad when I cut him off.

"Hikaru, calm your t*ts. I just need you guys to get here ASAP. When I go back everybody is gonna wanna know why I just randomly took off. As soon as I saw him, I dropped my bag and ran." (Me)

"Ok fine. But Kumiko and I are not letting you out of our sight as long as you're around him and in the same house. Alright, I'm going to pack see you in fifteen minutes." (Hikaru)

"Ok, I agree with Hikaru. Well, we gotta go pack and get cash for the hotel. So we'll be there in 15, 20 minutes from now. Loves ya, Bye!" (Kumiko)

"Ok, see you guys soon. Loves ya, too! Bye. Wish me luck!" (Me) I pulled the phone away from my ear and hit the 'end' button. When I looked back I saw the group talking to the clients, and they would glance at me every now and then. I sighed and walked back to the house. I put my phone back into my jean pocket and kept walking. I kept my face emotionless, to prevent anyone from finding out why I flipped out. I kept walking until I reached them, and grabbed my bag. I turned to Naru and asked," How would you like to have some people assisting you on the case and they'll work for free?"

"As long as they stay out of the way and they have a place to stay then I don't mind." (Naru)

"Ok then. They'll be here in fifteen minutes." (Me) With that I turned around with my things and went back towards the van to wait for Hikaru and Kumiko. I was standing there with my arms crossed and one leg propped against the car. About fifteen minutes later I heard a car approaching and when I turned I could see Hikaru and Kumiko's black truck approaching the drive. I put my bag down and smirked. I walked towards the car, and waited for them to get out. When they stopped the car HIkaru jumped out and ran towards me. He picked me up and spun me around like in the movies.

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