Chapter Seven: Naru knows?! and Yasu?!

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Mai's POV

I turned around and made my way to the tea tray ignoring the curious looks I was getting from Kumiko. I picked it up and set out to the base. I walked to the kitchen door making a swift turn in the direction of the base with Kumiko falling a few feet behind me.

Once I reached the door Kumiko opened it for me and let me inside. Everyone looked totally and utterly confused.

"Guys, what's wrong? Did you find anything?" I asked in a timid voice.

"That's the problem. We didn't find anything. There wasn't one record or file that had anything revolving around deaths, accidents, or hauntings with in a three mile radius. There is absolutely nothing, not even from when the house was built in the eighteen hundreds, to when it got reconstructed." Takigawa, a.k.a. Monk, said completely astonished.

"Are you sure? Are you absolutely positive that you didn't miss anything? There might be some secret files that only the house owners know about." I suggested.

"You're right Mai! Naru, why don't you go talk to Akane and see if they are any secret files or records?" Monk asked Naru, quite excited about my proposition.

"Yes, I will go talk to her but firstly: Mai tea, and secondly: Lin and everyone else keep searching through the old files and records to see if there was anything we missed." Naru replied sternly. I grumbled under my breath 'stupid narcissists' and 'he should make his own damn tea'.

"WAIT A MINUTE! I JUST GAVE YOU TEA! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO IT?!" I shouted at him, completely astonished.

"I drank it Mai. That's what people do with beverages, dummy." Naru smirked.

"Fine, let's go." I grumbled, grabbing his tea and walking off towards the kitchen for the second time in fifteen minutes. I called for Akane and asked her if she could answer some questions about the house and she happily obliged. Anything to help the case, apparently. She and Naru were discussing it at the kitchen table, while I was making the tea. She didn't know anything about any secret files or records, which Naru inferred by the end of conversation. I had just finished the tea when Akane left the kitchen. Naru got up from hi seat and made his way over to me to grab his tea when he whispered,"I know your secret."

I stared at him with wide eyes. I knew I had heard someone listening in when I was talking to Kumiko. And come to think of it, I had my walkie talkie on me when I talked to her the first day. He knew. Naru knew. Oh god. What is he gonna do? Blackmail? Threaten? Tell my dad? My mind was rambling a bunch of possibilities, trying to cope with the fact that I had slipped up twice, and now someone knows about my past other than the people I trust most in this world. I started to hyperventilate. Oh my god, I'm gonna have a panic attack. I put my hand on my chest trying to slow my breath down, but it didn't do anything.

I turned away from Naru so that he couldn't see me, or the tears that were threatening to come out. I was angry, I was betrayed, I was sad. Him finding out just brought up more memories, embarrassing and personal memories. He listened in to my private conversations and could do whatever he wanted with this information. I slipped up, I shouldn't have even given him the chance to find out in the first place. I should've just said I had cancer and I wouldn't be able to come on the case due to treatment, but who in their right mind would believe that if it came from me? Who exactly? Nobody, that's who.

"Mai-" I cut him off turning to see him angrily.

"What do you want? What? Are you gonna go tell the school about my embarrassing past get me made fun of for the rest of my high-school career? Oh wait let me guess, that is'nt good enough for the great Naru and maybe you'll just tell my dad and get me killed. Maybe you'll blackmail or threaten me with this information. Just what exactly do you want?!" I asked. The emotions rolling off of me in gigantic waves. No, waves is an understatement, they were like freaking tsunamis.

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