Chapter Four: Naru's POV

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Right now, It's about 6:50 and Mai still isn't here yet. I shouldn't be surprised, she is usually late. But, for some reason I can't help but worry about her. While Lin and I we're packing the van, we went back up the office five minutes later. When we opened it I saw Mai. It didn't look like her and it didn't seem like her. Mai usually has this happy, and cheerful aura to her but now, she has this depressed look. She is wearing a black T-shirt, with black skinny jeans, and black converse. When I pushed the door wider, it creaked and she jumped. She turned around, saw me, and had no emotion.

Her eyes were heavily blood-shotted to look as though she had been crying for weeks and never stopped once. I wonder what's wrong, but I obviously didn't say that. But, with me being me I said to her,"Mai, there you are. We are about to leave. Make sure to grab everything you'll need for the case." And what she replied back with made me surprised.

"Yeah, I know. I'l go grab your tea. Also there's some tea on your desk for the drive." She sounded so cold and depressed. As if she was me. I looked back at her with eyes as wide as saucers. Next thing she did was walk out of the room and towards the kitchen to most likely grab my tea boxes. They are very special to me considering that I had them shipped from Britain, because I love their tea. I walked into my office, and surely just like Mai had said, they was a canister that is meant to keep it warm, filled with tea, on my desk. I twisted the cap off of it and took a sip of my tea. I moaned at the warm taste of Mai's tea. She always makes sure to add the right amount of sugar and honey that is to my liking.

I put the cap back on and gathered some spare equipment that are for emergencies only. When I came out of my office, Mai was gone, and Lin was in his office gathering his laptop charger. We walked down the stairs and opened the van doors. When I got into the car I could hear faint heavy metal music. When I turned around I saw Mai with ear buds in, and she was glaring at nothing. Now she is really starting to freak me out.

She flinched for some reason and looked down at her phone. Only then did she realize that it was ringing. She picked it up and greeted the mystery caller. I could hear every word of their entire conversation. In the beginning I got angry that she said how she was on a case and how ridiculous it was, but then I calmed down when the girl replied back. Then Mai started talking about talking with someone and needing a shoulder to lean on. The girl started talking about how she didn't want Mai to get to a certain place again and that scared me a little bit. What did she mean? What kind of place was she talking about? Mai replied with saying to stop talking like that and she won't go back to that place cause she had her.

Once she was done with her call, she sighed and rubbed her temples. Looking like she was overwhelmed by something. I was staring at her lost in thought and didn't notice when she was staring right back at me. Once I realized it, I blushed and looked away. What is this girl doing to me? How can one look make me blush and give me a weird feeling in my stomach. A couple of minutes later the van stopped and I noticed that we had arrived at the clients home. Mai she got out of the car and grabbed her duffel bag. When she turned around the corner of the car she froze, and her face looked like she had all the blood drained from her face. She dropped the duffel bag and ran to the street. She stopped at the end of the drive, and started to cry.

She pulled out her phone frantic and punched a number in. She started talking into it but, I couldn't make out what she was saying. She looked like she was about to have a panic attack. She was pacing and screaming into the phone like her life depended on it. The only words I could make out were,"He's going to kill me! What am I gonna do?!"

Who is going to kill her? Why couldn't she do anything about it? What is going on?

That was when I started to freak out. My mind was scrambling trying to make sense of someone trying to kill Mai. My sweet, beautiful, caring- WAIT A MINUTE! DID I JUST SAY 'MY' MAI?! She is not mine. But, hypothetically speaking, if I did want her to be mine, what would I do? How would I tell her? If she rejected me, it could make everything totally and completely awkward between us. And I think she actually hates me. I mean, she's said it before, like numerous times.

Anyways, the group and I started talking to the client to figure out how drastic this case could get. I would glance at Mai every now and then to see if she was ok. I wasn't the only one though, the rest of SPR would glance at her too just to make sure she was ok and not drowning on her tears. She would glance up at us too, and she had this look in her eye when she looked at the clients. What was it? Anger? Fear? Pain? I couldn't tell, because they all resembled those emotions.

When I looked back up she was walking towards us and started asking me about extra assistants who would help for this case and for free. I honestly have no problem with that, but it means let alone time with Mai. But, how can I say no when she is shaking. So instead, I just told her that they need a place to stay and that they need to stay out of the way on the case.

She agreed then walked up to the car with her bag and waited. She looked really hot and very confident in that pose. She had her arms crossed over her chest and her left foot propped up against the car. About fifteen minutes later, we heard rocks rolling around and a car engine. When I looked up, I saw a huge black truck that looked to have two people in it. When I looked to Mai she seemed to be relieved. She walked up to the car with a huge smirk plastered on her face.

A guy came out who seemed to have dark brown hair, with blue eyes. He was wearing black skinny jeans, with a T-shirt that hugged his six-pack. He looked very relieved to see Mai for some reason. If it was because of her safety, he should have know that I would have protected her. I mean look at me. Sure I am only seven-teen, but I can protect her if need be.

When he reached her he picked her up and spun her around a few times. She said something to him and he dropped her on the ground. Ouch! I could hear her scolding him and I tried to contain my laughter at how scared he looked of Mai. Then a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes start scolding him too. Then it was extremely difficult to keep in my laughter. I may be cold-hearted and insensitive on the outside but, once you break down my walls I'm a pretty nice guy. My favorite color is black (obviously), I love being around my friends, and I hate Masako with a burning passion.

A/N* Hey people don't worry it's not the end of the chapter yet but just wanted to let you know, I have not read the manga yet, so everything will be from the anime. Yes, I know, get with the program but, I can't find the manga anywhere! I have read stories about Naru having a twin, and Masako blackmailing him with it but, I have not read this information yet. I can't wite a story about things I don't know yet, can I? Well, anyway just wanted to let you know that cause' Mai, will be having some special dreams, but she thinks it's Naru and I didn't want you peeps to be confused. SORRY for bothering your reading time. NARU TAKE IT AWAY!!!

Yes, I am cold-hearted, but I'm not lying. I really love being around my friends, considering they are my only ones. I know, I know, I always tell them to leave my office whenever they show up but, I know they won't leave. But, anyways Mai had facepalmed and sighed because of the new people. Takigawa wanted to know who they were and we were introduced. Apparently their names are Kumiko and Hikaru. After Mai had introduced us I told the gang that I would figure out where we need to set up base and where our bedrooms would be.

A couple minutes later, after I cameback and discussed the room arrangements with everyone, we went inside to prepare. I was outside discussing some things with Lin, when Mai wanted to talk to Kumiko in private. But, the bad thing was, was that she left her walkie talkie on the whole entire conversation. Meaning that I could hear it. After I listened to the conversation feeling gobsmacked, Mai started sobbing into her friends shoulder exclaiming that she couldn't deal with this anymore. I was filled with anger and I was disgusted.

Though I felt sadness, because Mai didn't tell us. I mean, I understand not wanting to talk about your past just as much as anyone, but Mai still should've told us. We are her friends and she can trust us with this kind of information, no matter how bad it may be. That was the moment, that I vowed to myself, that I would protect Mai throughout this entire case. I will keep her safe and happy, if it's the last thing I do.

*Hi peoples! I am so sorry that it took so long to update. I was sick and I had some stuff I had to do, plus I had some pretty heavy writer's block. I will try to get another chapter up today. I promise. Oh btw it might be a little bit before I get another Naru POV chapter up again. SORRY! If you have any ideas or just random comments feel free to say them. Love ya guys!


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