Chapter Six: Filler Chapter

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Oh. My. God. Just make this head-ache go away already. I had been up since 8:30 with a raging head-ache. I had taken an ibuprofen and drank some tea but, nothing happened. Other than the head-ache I am perfectly fine, I even look fine other than clutching my head every now and then from the pain. It's 10:30 now. After I had gotten my shower and got dressed, I went downstairs and had help the maid with breakfast.

I made Naru his special tea that only he is allowed to have and made everybody else normal tea. After we had all eaten breakfast, we started searching through the house's old history trying to figure out what could be causing this.

Now here we are, searching through old files, and looking through their library and on the internet. I knew this was a spirirt but a part of me thought that my dad was actually abusing the girl, and that a ghost actually was haunting the place. The ghost could very well be somebody from my dad's past following him or something had happened before, in the past history of the house.  Well, whatever it is we're gonna find out. At eleven-ish we heard somebody knocking on the front door.

Once the maid had let them in, their faces looked tired. They had dark circles under their eyes, and had dark sunglasses on before they took them off. They looked like they haven't slept in weeks, it took me a couple seconds to figure out who they were before I recognized them to be Hikaru and Kumiko. I put my hand over my mouth, my eyes wide, trying to stop myself from laughing. I started giggling like a little kid when they get candy while they just gave me glares.

"Mai, I wouldn't be laughing if I were you. With the video I have." Kumiko said slyly with a mischievous grin.

"Wait a minute, what video?" I asked suspiciously. They better not have video tapen me while we were a the club.

"Oh just the one video you specifically told me not to take. And I know what you're thinking, yes it was from that trip." She said while my eyes were practically bulging from my head.

"What?! Give me your phone!" I screamed at her. She reluctantly gave me her phone, when I got into her videos I saw there was once of me dancing like an idiot, me singing, me dancing with the random guy (with Takeshi punching him I might add), and me dancing like an idiot around a bonfire with the rest of the group.

"Kumiko!!! I specifically told you not to take a freaking video of me! Takeshi's gonna have your ass once I call and tell him!" I said with a mischievous grin.

She gasped,"You wouldn't dare call him! He will have my ass if he finds out he's in those videos too." She said with her eyes now practically bulging out of her face.

"Oh I would! Oh speak of the devil, look who's calling!" I said slyly, answering the phone, taking a step away from Hikaru and Kumiko.

"Yello?" I asked innocently into the phone.

"Mai? Why are you answering Kumiko's phone? Is she okay? Is she hu-." I cut him off mid-sentence

"Yes, she is fine but not for long once I tell you what she did." I said with a mischievous twinkle in my eye. When I took a glance at Kumiko, Hikaru was holding her back from trying to attack me.

"What did she do?" He asked with a confused and expectant voice. This isn't the first time it's happened but last time was worse.

"Well let's just say the bonfire dance that we had, is on Kumiko's phone. And it wasn't just of me, just thought you should know." I said with a smirk directed at Kumiko, who was still fighting in Hikaru's grip, who was laughing really hard now.

"She. Did. What?" I could feel the playful anger rising up in him through the phone.

"Yep. She even has you doing your favorite club dance on video too." I said trying to contain my laughter thinking about his club dance. He does pelvic thrusts and a bunch of other stuff in between that makes him look like a complete retard.

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