episode 8- Forgettin' Dallas Winston

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Icepop's P.O.V

"Dallas are you ok?" I asked as I walked over to him, he looked at me and smirked.

"Yeah, I'm fine babe, why was my girl worryin' about me?" he said puttin' his arms around my waist and holdin' me close to him, I smiled.

"Yeah, alittle," I said restin' my head on his chest, he chuckled. I looked at him and he had the devilish smiled that always made me unconfortable, he tighten his grip on me. "Dally that hurts," I said lookin' at him, his smile grew wider.

"Come on baby be tuffer then that, because if I let you go i'm as good as gone," he said as he tightened his grip even more.

I quickly woke up to a kick in the leg, I opened my eyes to see Syliva and Kate. Kate looked at me and smiled.

"You're alive," she said as she hugged me, I looked at Syliva as she lit a cigarette.

"I thought you didn't smoke Saliva," I said with an attitude, she rolled her eyes, and breathed it in a near choked on it.

"It's Syliva, not Saliva," she said lookin' at me, and takin' a breath of the cigarette, and once again nearly chokin'.

"Tomato, tomahto," I said lookin' at Kate as she washed my face off with a wet rag, Syliva rolled her eyes.

"Kate make your little sister shut up," Syliva said puttin' the cigarette out, I looked at Kate then back to Syliva.

"Where's Austin and Dylan?" I asked lookin' at the floor, Syliva laughed as I looked at her.

"Dylan had to take Austin to the hospital because you were kickin' him in your sleep," she said makin' Kate and I laugh, she rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. Kate looked at the closed door and started to untie me.

"What are you doin'?" I asked as she untied my legs, then arms.

"Gettin' you out of here," she said then lookin' at me with almost tears in her eyes. "Little-bit threathened to kill herself and I know that the only way to make her stop is to let you go," she said after untyin' me, I looked at her with worry.

"Ok, thanks Kate," I said then lookin' out the window, "I'm not jumpin' out the window," I said then lookin' at the door. "I've broken her nose once and i'll brake it again if I have to," I added openin' the door, then walkin' down the stairs of the warehouse, but somethin' happened and I fall down the steps and when I hit the ground I heard a gun fire as everythin' went black.

Little-bit's P.O.V

I was asleep when I felt someone shake me, I opened my eyes and turned to see Two-bit.

"Hey, kid how you feelin'?" he asked me with a worried look, but I don't blame him, Icepop been missin' for two days now. He's been keepin' an eye on me since yesterday when I threathened to kill myself, and I know it was a bad mistake.

"Yeah, i'm fine Keith," I said pushin' him off my bed, he fell to the floor and stood up, he smiled a little.

"Good, guess what?" He said messin' up my hair even more, I looked at him.

"What is it this time Two-bit?" I asked lookin' at my night stand where Icepop's switchblade laid with the silver letters shinin' from the sunshine comin' in from the window.

"Darry made bacon, eggs, and chocolate cake for breakfast," he said jumpin' up and down on my bed, I slightly smiled. He walked out of my room as I got out of bed. I got dressed and walked into the livin' room, I saw Tim Shepard asleep on the couch, I looked at Sodapop and Steve.

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