Chapter 8

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"Feel what way?"

Jungwoo sighed and looked at me.

"I feel like you don't want to be my friend. It's hard to be patient when I want to be someone's friend so badly."

I knitted my eyebrows together.

"What do you mean? I've showed you in so many ways how I want to be your friend."

He shook his head, seemingly distressed.

"You're right... sorry. I'm just paranoid."

I scoffed under my breath and looked out the window.

"Go ahead and unpack. I'm gonna take a walk."
He left my room in a hurry.

I went to the window and opened it, watching as he left.
I caught his attention before he could walk too far.

He looked back at me.

"I'll try harder to be more open! Can we be best friends now?!"
I shouted at him through the window.

"Yeah! I'd like that!"
I was relieved he wasn't mad. I laughed and waved at him before closing the window and beginning to unpack.
I had finished putting my clothes In the closet. I didn't have much anyway. I unpacked everything and contemplated whether I should make myself comfortable or not. I felt like I need a shower... I decided to ask Jungwoo if it would be ok after he got back. In the meantime, I drew a little and listened to music through my phone speaker.
"Yeomin." A familiar voice broke me away from my thoughts.
I looked up and paused my music.

"I've been calling for you." He says. I laugh and apologize.
"I was caught up in my music. Sorry."
He laughed and nodded.
"It's ok. Come help me with something."

I follow him into the kitchen and he has a bunch of groceries.

"I bought some extra snacks and food since it's not just me anymore. I also got you some stuff." That was considerate... he didn't have to...
"Jungwoo I could've done it. I'll p-"
"They're from me. Don't worry about it."

Jungwoo grabbed a bag off the counter and began to tell me the things he got me.

"First I got you some slippers. They're nothing special. I also got you a new toothbrush so you don't have to use that stupid hotel one. There's some face masks in here for when I stress you out." I laughed at his joke.

"I also got a journal. You're gonna use this to write down everything you eat In a day. I don't want to completely take over so I'm going to let you do this on your own. I'll help you along the way." I carefully took the journal from his hands. It has a little string that wraps around it. It's a flimsy leather, but good quality. It's a creamy peach color with a picture of a little cup of boba in the corner. I smiled and looked up at him.

Jungwoos POV

She smiled at the journal I bought her. She looked up at me and I smiled back. I'm glad she liked it. Yeomin stands on her tippy toes and gives me a big hug.
"Thank you so much. It's so considerate." I ponder where I should put my hands and decide to place them on her back, but not too low so she gets the wrong idea, but now too high so she doesn't think I don't like her. Not that I do or anything. Of course I don't. Why would I? I mean she's not drop dead gorgeous or anything. I mean she is but not my type. It's not that she isn't my type or anything I just wouldn't choose her in a crowd. I might though! I mean I definitely like her but not TOTALLY like that. Only-

"You didn't have to let me stay in your home, or even try and help me. Thank you for this. Really, it means a lot.

I leave my thoughts and hug her a bit tighter.
"It's no biggie."

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