Chapter 6

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Phoebe looked up to Chibs, he looking down to her, "Filip, hungry"?

"Mmmm lass, maybe, but I don't want to let you go"

A small laugh came from her, "Ye shall not die of hunger sir, ye must eat" As she wiggled out of his arms, picking up his t-shirt and tossing it on. She reached for the covers and covered him, "I shall return with food, you must have fuel to continue your pleasures of me" smiling at him as she walked out of the room.

Chibs laid back smiling, she was his pleasure.

Phoebe went into the kitchen, turned off the slow cooker, tore the meat, made 2 sandwiches with chips and a few veggies on the side, got them both a beer, and a few hand towels, laid it out on a tray. She then got Charlie her food in a bowl and poured some warm meat juice on it, again, causing her dog to smile as she laid it in front of her. Filling her water bowl with fresh water and putting the leftovers in the frig, she took the tray to the bedroom.

Chibs had sat up with his back against the headboard, smiling as she walked in, she was drowning in his t-shirt, and her carrying a tray of food. God love this woman.

"What are you smiling at my kind man"?

"You are a beautiful sight for me poor eyes my lass, a beautiful sight"

"Good words to the lass who brings ye food to ye bedside kind sir" she stated in his accent, causing him to smile a very large smile. She had it down, where did she learn that?

As they sat on the bed having a cold beer and warm sandwich, "Has my lass been to Scotland or Ireland"? "Ye seem to know enough to have been there."

Phoebe thought, then replied, "Airson ùine ghoirid tha mo ghaol" Phoebe replied. Smiling at him taking another bite of her sandwich.

Chibs eyebrows raised, "Woman, you learned a lot in a short time, and that's a highland accent, you must tell me more".

"In time, in time, now eat, you need to eat my dear" smiling at him, knowing it would be fun using his language from time to time. She would have to learn more, and as a writer is a research person, she would learn more.

His woman would tell him what he needed to know when he needed to know it, as he would share with her what he needed her to know when the time was right. They seemed to be on the same page. He did love that.

And as the tray of food simmered down to about nothing left on it and the last swallows of beer had been downed, their desired had arisen again. This time Chibs took it very slow, learning every curve and spot on her body. His fingers tracing every inch of her.

She also took her time with him, her fingers moving over each of his tattoos and scars on his body. Wondering where they came from, how they were made, and what each tattoo meant, some she knew, others she didn't. The one across his heart, 'Kerrianne' was the one she wondered about most. He had a story there and she hoped to learn it. The 'A' for Anarchy she knew of, and she knew the definition and knowing what he told her today, she was pretty sure she knew it's meaning.

She then wondered what he thought of hers and if he could see or feel what it was covering and how he'd feel knowing it's deep meaning to her. And she thought of how she would tell him, it hurt her deeply to talk about it, but then she thought that when he was away at work or business she would write about it and give that to him to read. He could take his time reading it and read it alone, her knowing after the afternoon that his anger would arise once he knew the whole truth. Or shall she never tell him, never speak of it. No, she would trust him as he trusted her. You cannot hide truths in real relationships, this she knew to be so true. Even after hearing his anger today, knowing it would rise again, she had to tell him somehow, even in fear. And she feared much more than him still today.

After a sleepless for the most part of the night, dozing here and there with each other wrapped in each others arms, the sun was about to break into the window when Phoebe heard a sound coming from Chibs pants on the floor. She bent down, picked them up realizing it was his phone. She took the phone and shook him, "You're a wanted man, you need to wake up" she whispered into his ear.

"Wanted by only you I hope" his lazy voice spoke.

"Nope, by your phone my dear" handing him the phone as he peeked at it not wanting to open his eyes. She curled against him as he answered it in a not so nice voice grabbing ahold of her curling her against him.

Into his phone he spoke, "Aye, I'm awake" silence, "Give me an hour" and he hung up the phone and curled around her, not wanting to let her go.

Phoebe raised her arm and pointed to the other door, "Shower is that way, half hour to town, half hour to wake up" "I'll go make coffee for you"

Chibs groaned, "Aye my lass, not what I wanted to hear from you, but fine" as he unrolled himself from her.

Chibs went for the shower and Phoebe pulled on a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt and went to make coffee. While it was brewing she took her hot tea outside while Charlie made her way to the beach. She tossed up her hair and began planning her day in her mind.

Chibs came out to meet her with a cup of coffee. Charlie came running back and went straight to Chibs first. He petted her then she went to Phoebe. "I think Charlie likes you and approves"

"I hope that approval goes for both of you" smiling at her.

She got on her toes, reached for his neck and kissed him. "And that it does"

"And unfortunately off I must go" handing her his cup they walked over to his bike. "And I will be back by days end my lass" "hand me your phone in your pocket"

She didn't know how he even noticed she had it. She took it out and handed it to him. He dialed his number, once his rang he hung it up. "We have each others numbers now, never hesitate to call me if you need to" He looked her in the eye, "Promise"?

"I do" "Be careful out there please" and as she started to back away Chibs grabbed her hand pulling her into him. "Your morning kiss" as he kissed her as deeply as he did last night.

Her heart was so happy at that moment.

He drove away. As she listened to his bike in the distance before returning to the house.

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