Chapter 7

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Phoebe and Charlie went inside. She would follow through with her plan for her day. She smiled as she went in to take her shower, freshen up for her day. She cleaned up the bath, bedroom, done a few loads of laundry, smiling as she worked inside the house. Thinking of how awesome her day was yesterday and that it lasted all night. No one could ever shake those happy moments from her, no one. 24 hours of the happiest time she had ever had in her life. Those were her 24 hours to keep forever.

After the house was put back together, she took Charlie out for her afternoon run then back in for the second and most dreaded part of her day.

Phoebe went to her closet, in the back under a few boxes was a safe, locked. She took it out and held it. As she stared at it she wondered why she had kept it, why she kept her darkest secrets locked up, why hadn't she destroyed it when he destroyed her life and she ran, and changed who she was? Why did she keep this box of horror? She took it, went to her trunk in the bedroom, opened it and seen an antique notebook she had never written in. She took it out and went to the living room. Laying both the locked box and notebook on the table, she stared at it. She would use this to write to Filip. Give him her whole truth. Prayed he would understand how she couldn't talk about it, to tell him in person. Prayed he would understand who she was and who she had to be at this time.

She opened the book and began writing, directly to him and only him. Also praying that no one else would ever read this. Her life would be in danger if anyone but Filip ever read it.

She began.


Chibs arrived to the club house. He was exhausted being up most of the night but nothing even exhaustion could erase the happiness he felt inside of him. And he would not let anyone in on his day or night. He had to be sure. He knew he loved her. He knew he would always need her. He knew nothing could tear them apart. He knew they would share more of each other. But he needed to be sure she could fit into his life style of his family and the club and with his brothers. He would also never give them up. They both had to fit and he had to find a way to make them fit. He also reminded himself he was an outlaw and was he right in continuing with her. But he couldn't let her go. He had never loved as he loved her. And never would again. He had to make it fit.

Tig walked into the clubhouse as Chibs sat at the bar drinking another cup of coffee thinking.

"Chibs, damn, they give you a day off around here and you disappear, where were you yesterday and last night, you didn't come home to bed I noticed"?

Looking over at Tig, "None of your damn business where I spend my day now is it"?

"Sorry, just a normal question, didn't mean to crank up your ass"

Chibs taking a deep breath, "Yeah, whatever, what's on our list of to do's today anyway? Church?"

"Church is in a few minutes, seems our warehouse burned down last night"

"Awe Mother of Christ, can't we get a break"? He storms into the chapel and sits down hearing about what happened and then out the door they go to the site. His mind on Phoebe as he deals with the warehouse crap. Thinking, is this the life he can bring her into. He is back in his reality and wants to be in her reality of yesterday. He goes through his day grumpy with these thoughts on his mind. Those around him, giving him his room and space, but him with his loyalty to the club does all he can and is asked to do to assure safety to his club.

He also notices how Jax is saddened at his newborn son's arrival into the world under the influence of Wendy's drug abuse. He is very loyal to Jax and goes to the hospital with Jax to see his son.

After his long day of club business, tired and his thoughts exhausting, he is sitting on his bike having a cigarette wondering if he should go back to Phoebe or to let her be? With only a few thoughts of this, he starts his bike and is pulling into her driveway after dark wanting to only hold her. She is his escape, and he only wants to hold her.

He gets off his bike, looks up, she is not on her deck. He goes up to her door and turns the knob, it's unlocked. This angers him. How could she leave her door unlocked. As he opens the door quietly the beast is standing there staring at him. Ok, guard dog on duty. Chibs whispers, "Mo Chara" reaching his hand under her chin. Charlie wags her tail allowing him to come in and goes to her own sofa and lays down looking over at the other sofa. Phoebe is curled up with a tiny blanket over her sound asleep. Chibs just stares at her, she was so tiny and so precious laying there in a peaceful sleep. He went back and locked the door, took off his kutte, layed it over the chair and carried Phoebe to the bedroom tucking her in. He undressed, layed next to her and pulled her into him and held onto her tightly falling asleep himself as he ran his fingers through her hair feeling her soft breath on his chest.

Chibs woke up, noting he was alone in bed, then the scent of bacon invaded his senses. Man's favorite food. A glorious way to wake up, best way was his woman beside him, second was the smell of bacon. Coffee, bacon and his woman. No better way to start a day. He rose and pulled only his jeans on, going into the kitchen, Phoebe turned from the stove looking over at this man only in jeans with the button undone, oh damn, she loved seeing him.

"I tried to say awake for you last night, you pulled a long day yesterday" smiling at him as he came over to her wrapping his arms around her, turning her to kiss her. He loved her lips on his.

"Mmmm, I did and you were so peaceful I couldn't wake you" taking the cup of coffee she had just poured for him.

"It was my pleasure to wake in bed with you curled around me, you are a hard person to untangle from by the way" smiling at him watching him sip his coffee as she scrambled eggs.

"A man knows not to let a good thing get away" as he reached up into her cabinets getting two plates out handing them to her.

She noted how easy he helped her in the kitchen. After they ate, he knew he needed to get going real soon. "Come with me my lass" taking her by the hand as she followed him. He led her to the bathroom, turned on the shower and undressed her. She smiled. And into the shower they went for a great round of hot shower sex that lasted until the water began to run cold.

They both dressed, Phoebe seen he had a shoulder strap with two guns and a few knives as he dressed. She didn't say a word, she knew not to. He walked over to her taking her chin in his hand, kissing her lightly on the forehead, "Lass, you know I'm an outlaw, a criminal, guns are a part of who I am, they are protection, please don't fret over this" kissing her again.

"I'm not uncommon to them Filip, I just had not seen you with them before, I'm ok" kissing him back hoping to reassure him she was ok.

It was time for him to leave again, she walked out with him, as he lectured her on how a door locked worked and how it would ease his mind knowing she was safe when he was not there with her, she agreed to lock the doors to ease his mind, and thinking how she had fallen sleep with door unlocked, this was not who she was, how had something so easily done over the years get by her even one time she thought. And now it was also Charlies time to exercise and hers too she knew. Thank God her Charlie was her protector too. She walked Chibs to his bike, and again, she had her awesome good morning kiss then he rode off.

Her and Charlie took to the beach for a couple hours of exercise then it was back inside for her to finish her letter to him.  

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