Chapter 17

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A month later Alana was at the kitchen sink working on peeling potatoes for their dinner that night. Opie and Jax were on the deck visiting with Chibs while she prepared dinner. Chibs offered to bring home dinner or cook it but she ran him outside to visit with his brothers and to leave her alone. He obeyed.

All of a sudden she got a sharp pain in her side and felt a wetness running down her leg. The pain was intense, she yelled for Chibs, when he heard her she sounded panicked. He got up with Opie and Jax and ran into the house, them three about knocking each other over getting in the door.

Alana had squatted to the floor holding onto the sink. The look of horror on her face is the first thing Chibs saw. He reached for her as she yelled at him, "Don't touch me" and he froze. Opie looked at him, "Yeah, don't touch her, they get mean now, warned you"

Chibs still frozen squatting next to her not touching her looked at Opie, "Well brother, now what the hell do I do"

"I don't know, but she will tell you" Standing back, wasn't his first day with pregnant women.

Alana started to stand again and Chibs now reaching for her. "My water broke and I'm in labor"

Chibs looking worried, "It can't, it's not time"

"Really Filip, tell that to your two wee ones, they won't listen, we shall put this in their baby books, the first time they didn't listen to their da" "Many more will come" "now go with me while I get a shower and clean this up"

"You can't, your in labor" Chibs pleaded

"Watch me" as she went to the bathroom. Chibs keeping up with her and Opie smiling with Jax about ready to laugh at Chibs, "Watch her, she will by God" Chibs just giving them a look following Alana.


They arrived at the hospital, Chibs driving Alana with Jax and Opie following, Jax had sent out an all points bulletin that new MC members would be arriving today and they all headed to the hospital. Chibs had called Tara to meet them there as Alana gave him that duty to do.

When they arrived Opie and Jax went with them to the door of the room they were putting Alana in. Once they arrived at the door Opie stated, "Been in there and done that twice, I'll hang out here this time" Jax following his lead, "Yeah, this is all on you now Chibs, have fun in there".

Chibs just looking over at them leaving him alone with his wife coming and going in pain. Follow her lead they all told him. He wanted to take her pain away and didn't know how, he held her hand when she let him and learned of her strength.

Finally after she was settled in bed Tara arrived. "Took you long enough" Chibs spoke up.

"I've not missed a thing yet" "How are you Alana"?

"In need of releasing this pain these two are causing me right now" grunting

"Take a deep breath and hold it and let me see where they are right now" and she checked Alana.

"Chibs, now is a pretty good time for you to meet your next level of hell" "When I tell you to I want you to lift her back, Alana you'll take a deep breath and push with all you have while Chibs holds you up, got it"

Chibs just looked at her, "Now? I thought labor lasted hours"

"Chibs, your children are calling the shots right now, they are ready now" "Alana, are you ready"?

"Oh God Yes"!

Then it began and Chibs hurt worse than she did he thought as she was screaming out in pain trying to push a babe out.

Finally, baby one, "Chibs and Alana, meet your son" laying him on Alana's chest, the cord still attached. Chibs hand went to his son's back. Alana cried and cuddled her little son. She then felt another pain, a nurse took their son holding him close to Alana. Chibs pushed her up and she screamed again, he had never heard a scream such as that in his life. And baby number two. "And your daughter is here, lay back now" as Tara placed their daughter on Alana's chest. More tears fell as she took her son back from the nurse holding them both. She looked over at Chibs and he had tears running down his cheeks with is hand over them both.

"Chibs" "Our babies"

"I know love, I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life as this" kissing her. Tara cleaned her up best she could and a nurse came for her babies, Tara assisted Chibs into cutting the cords so the nurse could take them, weigh them and do nursing duties to them. Alana looked at Chibs, "Stay with them, never let them out of your sight, please" and he did go with them.

After all was done, Chibs carried both babies over to Alana. First handing her their daughter, "Our sweet Rose" and then their son to her, "And his name is"?

Looking at Chibs, "Padraic" "After your nephew"

"My lass" "Thank you" and more tears fell from him as she named him after his nephew whom he had lost just shortly ago. He loved her so. The mother of his children.

"Chibs, you need to introduce them to their Uncles, Aunts and Gramma Gemma" "Stay with them while I get changed and bring them back to me soon"

Kissing her and taking his wee ones from her he left the room.

As he arrived in the waiting room with them they all rose. Chibs chest was stuck out like no other. "Alana said Rose and Padaric were to meet their Uncles, Aunts and Gramma Gemma and family" They all surrounded him and cooed. Gemma taking each one from him one at a time and loving on them. Giving them back to him as he took them back to their ma.

Chibs loved watching her nurse them, he glowed with pride of his new family. One to honor, protect and and keep safe at all times. He always got up with them in the night, changed them and took them to Alana to nurse then rocked them each back to sleep. Many nights he didn't get much sleep but he had to allow Alana hers, this was his part, and it was his spoiling time alone with his babes. She loved him dearly for his role as a father and Charlie was very protective of them as well.

Her seeds had grown and bloomed, her sun was shining. Life with the club was very interesting and challenging from time to time but she held strong for her husband, his club and his family and obeyed him when needed to and he gave her the strength to become the independent writer, mother and soulmate they both desired. The members of the Club always knew that was a relationship to die for.

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