Mia bella

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Andy POV
"Uh thanks for the ride home" I say, even though I insisted I could ride my bike he wouldn't take no for an answer.

Now my poor baby was going to get towed for no reason. Speaking of which she should be in any minute.

"No problem babe." He smirked, while I cringe.

"Don't ever call me that again" I chuckle.

Babe, what a funny word.

"Whatever you say kitten" he gives me a boyish grin.

"Jesus that's even worse" I laugh, kitten?

Really Asher?

I open the door and see the tow truck come up, right in cue.

I tell the guy to move her over towards the garage.

Thanking the tow guy, I turn towards my baby and check for any damages.

She's spotless, perfect.

I turn towards ashers car and see him staring at me. Rolling my eyes I make my way toward my door.

"Have a good rest of your evening, Mia Bella." I hear Asher say. For some reason sounded like he called me 'my Bella'.

"Names Andy, not Bella." Confusion laced my voice.

"It means my beautiful." He chuckles. Holy hell his chuckle is like a song, only it's now it's already a hit on the radio.

"Oh, of course, I knew that." I say quickly.

"Sure you did." He said with a wink.

I need a shower, food, and Netflix right now. I wonder whats trending. I unlock my door only to be passed by Asher. What is he doing?!

"Asher what are you up to?!" I question.
"I wanna spend time with you, and seems you're going to be alone." He says and smiles.

"Fine. Only for a little while though." I say narrowing my eyes at him back.

He walks towards the kitchen and walks into the pantry. What is this boy up to? Walking out with cheese itz, he smiles.
"These are my favorite." He laughs. God he's laugh.

Smiling I show him towards the living room.

Asher's POV

So this is Andy's apartment. Very spacious, it's on the first floor, and I don't like that very well. Weirdos could be walking around.

"Well I'm going to go to my room real quick I'll be right back out." Andy's voice radiates through the living room. I nod and lift my cheese itz.

A couple minutes later I heard a thump from down the hall. ANDY! Did she fall? Is she okay?

I run down the hallway only to find 2 rooms, I open the first one to my right and she wasn't in there. She must be in the other one.

As I open the door I see Andy put her hair into a bun. She has a striped black and white tanktop and some baggy sweatpants. She looked gorgeous. She turns around and jumps.

"What the fuck Asher! Get out of my room!" She yells at me.

"How did you not hear me?" I ask taking a step forward.

"I was distracted" she mumbles taking a step back.

"What were you thinking about?" I question, hoping she says me.

"Nothing important." She says quickly taking a giant step forward.

Damn okay.

Grabbing her I kiss her roughly.

"Were you perhaps thinking of me? Kissing you? Holding you?" I whisper into her angelic lips.

"y-yes." She whispers back.

Oh my gosh I'm so sorry for leaving you guys for a while:( but I'm back full of ideas:)
Be sure to vote and share with your friends:))
Sorry it's so short:(
Anywho, stay groovy fools🥤

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