late nights

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Asher pov

"so i was thinking," I said making my way to the cabinet.

"so that's where the burnt smell is coming from!" Andy said innocently while serving the pasta.

"oh shut up." i laugh, what a smartass.

"let's go somewhere tomorrow." I suggest, while pouring juice into two cups.

"okay, where?" she asks walking into her room with the two plates.

"i don't know." i instantly follow and set the juice glasses on the table stand by her bed.

"Mall, museum, thrift shop?" She asks with a mouthful of pasta.

"okay." i answer not really caring as soon as i took a bite of her pasta.

"holy shit this is amazing!" I take another bite chewing slowly to savour the taste.

I look up to see her faint blush on her cheeks as she forks around her noodles. Her dimples looked so cute on her, the way she can just smile and my heart explode is insane.

"Wait which one you big idiot? I said three things." She looks back at me, amused.

"oops caught me, thrift shop?" I take another bite and andy nods.


"Sooooo," I draw out as she soaps the dishes and I rinse them.

"Soooo?" She looks over at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Where am I going to sleep?" I ask nervously.

"The bathtub." She said calmly and went back to what she was doing.

"What? Ar-" I was interrupted by her laugh.

"You can either sleep on the couch or with me, i don't really care." She dries of her hands on a towel near by.

"with you?" I grin holding her from behind.

"Yeah yeah but no funny business, i need my beauty sleep." She turns and puts her arms around me.

"Oh yeah you definitely need it." I joke and she pulls away.

"Oh you chose Bathtub? Damn hope you'll be comfortable." She walks towards her room.

"Oh lady don't put words into my mouth! Wait for me!" I follow her.


sorry this is such a short chapter i'm just tryna keep the ball rolling haha, okay but don't forget to vote or something like that lol, that's all i'll hopefully have the next chapter up by friday:)

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