Chapter 7:the model, not the star's sister

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It's been a month since me and Calum have been together and yet still nobody knows. I wake up to a buzz from my phone. I sit up and wipe the saliva off the side of my lip.(yes I know nasty, but true) I pick up my phone and check the time. It's 9:28 AM. I unlock my phone and get ready to open my text messages, hoping it was from Calum. I open the app, but it turns out it's from another person asking to model for a major company. Luke gave my number to his agent and has gotten a bunch of modeling jobs for me. I've gotten asked to model for Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and even Cover Girl. I was surprised to find it was about modeling for Calvin Klein!!!! I've always wanted to model for Calvin Klein. I didn't hesitate to answer back, but I forgot I'm not 18 yet. I rush downstairs with my phone in my pant pocket while I tie up my hair. I get downstairs and yell


my mum comes out of  the bathroom in a rush with a really worried face.

Mum:whats wrong? everything alright?

Luke suddenly comes out of his room with a really annoyed face, trying to open his eyes. He pulls down his grey sweatpants to make it sag. He rubs his stomach over his black t shirt and says

Luke:Helena can you be any fucking louder?

Mum:Luke you're a star, but it does NOT mean you can use that language.

Luke sighs and walks to the kitchen. Once he opens the cabinet and gets the box of cereal and starts eating from it he says with his mouth full of Frosted Flakes

Luke:sawray mhum

Mum:do not talk with your mouth full either

He keeps eating while my mum asks

Mum:so what's the big ruckus about Helena?

Helena:well I just got a text from the Calvin Klein company asking me to model for them!!

Luke stops eating and comes over to me and mum. I open the text and Luke and mum start to read:

Calvin Klein: Hello Helena, sorry if it's bother, but Susan Heyfred, your brother's agent, contacted us telling us you were looking for a modeling job. We saw your photos and we would love to have you model for us. Plus this could be your big break, known as Helena Hemmings, the Calvin Klein model, not as Helena Hemmings, Luke Hemmings sister. Notify us as soon as possible on this number. We'd love to have you. Have a wonderful day.

Once they finished reading a smile appeared on both of their faces and look at me. Luke says sarcastically

Luke:Woah my sister is gonna be a underwear model, how hot

we both laugh and I smile of excitement, I look at my mum.

Mum:Woah hold on

my smile fades and I put on a disappointed look while puttin my phone in my pocket. 


Mum:what about your school work?

Helena:mum I've been homeschooled ever since Luke got famous

Mum:I know, but I'm your mum and teacher

Helena:I'm still gonna study mum, I just have a little hobby

Mum:you promise me you'll keep studying? And be really good in your grades?

Helena:yes mum please just let me do it

There was a long silence while, Luke, mum, and I exchange looks.

my eyes and my mum's eyes finally meet. She speaks after I mouth to her please

Mum:okay you can, but we'll talk to your dad when he gets up

As if right on cue my dad comes out of the bedroom door in a white t shirt and boxers, yawning. He walks up to us, kisses my mum and rubs Luke's head and asks

Dad:what's going on out here?

I put on a big smile and say

Helena:I could be a model

my dad becomes more alert


I hand him my phone and he reads the text. My dad finishes reading and puts on a surprising look

Dad:Calvin Klein? Really?

Helena:yes dad really, stop being so surprised. Can I be a model?

Dad:I'm alright with it if it's alright with your mum

my dad looks at my mum and my mum smiles in a way as in I already said yes. We all smile. I go up to my parents kiss them both on the cheek

Helena:Thank you thank you thank you

I friendly shove Luke and go upstairs. My phone buzzes once I close the door to my room.

Calum:morning beauty

I smile even more wider if it's even possible and reply

Helena:Hello sexy

Calum:Woah vulgar vocabulary we have here

Helena:are we still meeting up?

Calum:DEFINITELY, is everything alright

Helena:yes just perfect, I'll tell you when I see you

Calum:okay I'm at the diner. I'm glad everything's perfect. You're not the only one that has perfect going on in their life ;)

Helena:I'll see you at the diner :D

Calum:okay I love that you're happy :D see you

I look at the last text then start to get ready. After I take a shower, I put on khaki flowy shorts with a light brown braided belt, a nude tank top, and a yellow blue and red plaid shirt on top of the tank top. I brush my hair and put it into a ponytail. I put foundation on my cheeks and chapstick on my lips then I get my vans. I put my phone in my pocket, say goodbye to only Luke, since mum and dad already said goodbye and left and then I head out the door. I open the door and Luke stops me

Luke:where are you headed?

he says with a happy curious face on, while he has my wrist in his hand. I answer with a polite face

Helena:I'm going to eat then meet up with Laury and tell her the news.

which wasn't a complete lie I am going to see my best friend Laury after going out with Calum and I am going to eat.

Luke:oh can I come I'm pretty bummed just sitting here all alone.

He lets go of my wrist and puts on a pouty face.


He grins and I smile. He says playfully

Luke:no of course not I NEED to catch up on my porn

I say with a playful annoyed face

Helena:you're horrific

Luke:just speaking for every guy in Australia, actually just every guy.

Helena:well as much as I'd love to chat about this with you. I have a friend waiting for me.

Luke:go on then, be careful, love you.

He starts walking to the couch, before I close the door I say

Helena:love you too

I close the door and walk to my car. I get in the car and smile about all the good happening. I text Calvin Klein

Helena:Hello it wasn't a bother at all. I was texting back to say yes I am in. I would love to work with you too. Have a great day and thank you so much you have made not only me, but everyone I know so happy thank you for this opportunity.

I press send and get a buzz about 2 minutes once i start driving, but I ignore it because I start to think about Calum. I decide I'll look at it when I'm with Calum.

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