Chapter 2

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Kirishima P.O.V
I woke up determined and with a mission . I had to speak to Bakugou to figure out what's going on . So after I did my morning routine and put on my uniform ( double checking my hair of course ) I sped walked to Bakugou's dorm room . Like a soccer mom in the grocery store .

Reaching said door I knocked on it .
*knock* *knock*
No answer.
I try again thinking he must be up .
No answer.
So I knock obnoxiously loud this time knowing that he'll get up .

When I do I hear a loud thump with a string of cusses following . I then hear rummaging and loud stomps as if he's changing? He normally just opens the door pissed off , not caring what he's wearing .

After a while of loud stomps , cussing, and sounds of the room being destroyed. A familiar ash-blonde Boom Boi answers the door wearing a black tank top which you could see his muscles through and gray joggers that shaped his full ass perfectly. (NOT THAT I WAS LOOKING!)

" Whomst the fuck is waking me up at this ungodly hour and why has thou chosen to do so ." He said with his voice still a little scruffy from just waking up as he rubbed his eyes tiredly and yawned.

"I just wanted to check on you , and I'm glad I did because your not up yet we're going to be late ." I said still eyeing his body . As soon as I spoke he looked up into my eyes with his blood red ones that if stared into long enough can make a person regret their life decisions.

His look of shock then became a look of annoyance when he spoke . " It's the goddamn weekend Shitty hair ." I looked down at him in shock . Was it really the weekend? I'm so dumb . I mentally scolded myself while trying to keep the conversation going . " Even if it is the weekend I still want to spend it with one of my best bros !" I said while bear hugging him . He was tense but then he relaxed , and giggled ?

I pulled away from the hug looking at a normally angry boy who doesn't like human contact . To a giggling boy who was blushing as he hugged my torso and stuffed his face into my chest . "You okay there bud ? " I asked cautiously not wanting to poke the bear. " Of course I am Da-Shitty hair I'm fucking fine ." He said clearing his throat and going back to his closed off persona . "Wha-" I began to say when he cut me off .

" Wait in the lounge. I'll put some clothes on then we can hang out ." He said closing the door once more .
WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ? I asked my self making my way to the lounge .

Bakugou P.O.V
I ALMOST SLIPPED UP . If I'm being honest it's not that hard to slip into little space around him . He just makes me feel warm and happy , well actually everything about him makes me happy . His smile, his happy personality, how kind he is , the fact that he looks like he's a greek god is just an added bonus .

Smiling about my thoughts of the red-head I went to my closet to pick out an outfit. I chose black leggings, with a white tank top ,  a red bomber jacket , and to complete the outfit my black and white Jordan's.

I took a shower , brushed my teeth , and put on my clothes . When I was done I grabbed my wallet and keys and headed to the lounge. I opened the door to the lounge only to hear the once rowdy conversations come to a screeching halt with everyone's eyes on me . I was confused at first until I realized that when I was picking my outfit I was trying to impress Kiri , and I wasn't thinking about everyone else seeing me in leggings.

After gathering my composure from the previous embarrassment. My face welcoming a sassy smirk as I felt everyone looking me over .
" What ? Never seen a bad bitch before?" I said putting a hand on my hip .

No one answered. Their jaws still slack from shock .

To be honest it was reeaallyyy awkward and embarrassing but I didn't dare show it . After a few minutes of awkward silence I saw Kirishima and Mina walk in from the kitchen door .

" DAMN MAMI YOU LOOKING FINE TODAY !"  Mina said as she walked towards me  hugging me from behind putting her head on top of mine . ( A/N: Incase you didn't know bakugou is shorter than everyone except m*neta.) She looked around some more before talking again .
" Why y'all so quiet? I know he fine and everything but you don't have to make him feel uncomfortable." Leaning into Mina a little more I felt my self slipping into my headspace from all the pressure .I whispered in her ear .
" Mimi I'm slipping." It came out slurred , but it was the best I could do . " Okay Kat don't worry I'll get you out of here ." She whispered back .

"Anyways guys me and bakubro are hanging out today so we'll be on our way ." Kirishima said grabbing my hand and dragging me to the door pulling me quickly out of Mina's grasp . Once we were out we headed outside. " Wanna tell me what that was ?" He asked sternly with a look of betrayal in his eyes . But it was no use I was to far gone to give a coherent answer. "I'm sowwy daddy I didn't mean to make you mad !" I exclaimed clinging onto his shirt and pressing my head into his chest on the verge of crying .

He looked shocked at first . But then he showed a look of understanding? The words that came out of his mouth next made my heart soar and my fingers tingle . " I know baby it's ok ." He said with a softer voice than before petting my hair , and lifting my chin to kiss my forehead. I giggled " Don't think you being cute is gonna get you out of this . When your big again your ass is grass ." My giggling stopped abruptly and I looked at him with big pleading eyes . I opened my mouth as I was  about to say something when I was cut off by a certain pink skinned Latina .

" Yes bitch get dat ass!" She exclaimed from one of the dorm room windows . Thank god the lounge doesn't have any windows so she was the only one that saw us. I pressed my face more into Kirishima's chest to hide my raging blush as he wrapped his arms around my waist holding me close .

I didn't want him to know this early , but I'm glad he does .

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This one is a little longer because I kinda got carried away writing.

Do you like shorter chapters or longer chapters ? Also do y'all want smut ?

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