Chapter 9

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(A/N: You guys deserve a feel good chapter so here it is .... also thank you guys for reading this really makes me happy ☺️💕)

Third person P.O.V

"MIMI CAN I GET THIS!!" Bakugou yelled excitedly as he tugged on Mina's shirt , pointing to a dress in the window of  a shop at the mall they were in .

"Sure Kat , go find your size ." Mina said with a loving smile . She was happy that he was happy . She watched bakugou as he pranced around , too lost in little space to care about anything else .

The two teenagers had been shopping for a while . They were planning on getting Bakugou a new stuffie , and new clothes he could be happy wearing weather he was big or little.

Bakugou skipped over to Mina with the biggest smile on his face . " Mina come on you slow poke . I've got to try my dress on !" He held her hand in his , pulling her towards the changing rooms .

Mina sat on the bench , while Bakugou went into the changing room across from it . She was playing on her phone ,and listening to Bakugou talk to himself about how pretty he was going to look when he finished putting on his dress .

Soon, Bakugou came out of the room , with a grin so wide his eyes were shut , and his cheeks a rosy color . Mina looked up from her phone and smiled .

"How do I look ?"

" Absolutely amazing Kat !"

And it was true . The dress he had picked out was a baby pink and yellow sundress , that hung off his pale shoulders . The end of the dress reached just below his knees .

" Yay! Can we get it ?" He asked with his best puppy dog eyes . Mina had nothing on the power of Bakugou's puppy dog eyes .

She quickly excepted her defeat. "Of course ." They walked to the cash register to buy the dress. "Thank you Mimi , I wove you so mosh !" Bakugou mumbled as he was falling farther into little space .

As the lady at the register scanned the price tag , she looked between the two teens with a confused look .

She was about to say something when Mina quickly spoke before her . " No it's not for me . It's for him , say anything rude or unnecessary I will be sure to talk to your manager." With her hand on her hip and a smug smirk on her face, she watched the lady have an internal battle about saying something or being fired .

She chose to keep her mouth shut as she swiped the card that was given, handing it and the bag with the dress to Mina.

Mina grabbed Bakugou's hand ,and walked out of the shop . "You hungry Kat ? "

" Yeah . "

"You wanna hit the food court ?"

"Yeah! Can we get Chinese ?"


They walked to the food court and ordered. While waiting for their food Mina saw an all too familiar red-head sitting in a booth behind Bakugou just out of his line of sight .

Normally his presence would have simply been ignored if it weren't for the person sitting across from him.


They were laughing and blushing like they hadn't hurt the most precious person in the world .

Mina P.O.V

"Hey Kat I'm gonna go to the bathroom. You stay here ok ?"

"Okay Mimi !" He said with a smile and a nod of his head .

I walked over to Kirishima and Kaminari's booth and stood in front of them . Their laughing abruptly stopped when they saw me.

"I'm not gonna yell because if I do the sweetest boy in the world would be upset . I am going to speak my mind though. Just in a calm and horrifying manor ." I said looking into their souls .

They stayed quiet so I started talking again . "You broke Kat's heart and you don't even have the balls to properly apologize? You talk about being manly , but that was a pussy move ." I looked at Kirishima with the dirtiest mug I could muster .

"You said you loved him , and he believed you hell I believed you! I'm not sure why you decided to do it , but I do know you need to man up and take action ." I clenched my first hard trying not to lose my cool.

I then turned my gaze to Kaminari who had been avoiding all eye contact with me since I got there . " And you ... I honestly thought you were better than this . Did you feel great being a side piece? Bakugou was the main course you were just some side noodles bitch. You have the audacity to weasel your way into a relationship *scoff* I hope you get mesothelioma. I want you to stub your toe every day for the rest of your life . With yo thrift shop looking ,no ass having , sloppy seconds eating , can't get a boyfriend on your own,  nasty hoe on the flo' looking ass ."

I watched him open and close his mouth trying to come up with a suitable comeback . "Close your mouth honey before you catch something other than an STD."

With that I sauntered away not looking back . I walked back over to our booth , to see a happy Bakugou munching on egg rolls .

Bakugou P.O.V

After we finished our food we grabbed our shopping bags and head to our last stop . I think Mimi said we were getting matching shoes here ?

When we walked in I saw Tsuyu at the register of Footlocker. Though that wasn't the only surprising thing . Mimi let go of my hand to say hi ... with a kiss ... on the lips ... ' I think they're more than friends ' I thought to myself.

I have to admit I was kinda jealous she left me so fast , but seeing Mimi happy while hugging her girlfriend I decided to giver her some space .

While I was looking for a suitable pair of shoes . I thought one not so appropriate thought .

So Mina is a dom? I'm not surprised.

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