Chapter 15

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(A/N: Updates for this book will be weekly , honestly this has become a meme book 😂 the plot for this book is just everywhere. Thank you for reading even though this shit is trash 💕🤧)

Third person P.O.V

"TSUYU I SWEAR TO GAWD EAT ONE MORE MF FLY AND I'LL TURN THIS WHOLE GODDAMN BOAT AROUND !" Mina yelled at Tsuyu who was leaning on the boat railing to catch a fly .

"You ain't gon' do nothin' ." Tsuyu responded , still trying to catch flies . Mina took a deep breath , and let it out as she calmly turned away from Tsuyu. She said nothing after that , and Tsuyu was starting to worry about what her girlfriend would do . She turned towards Mina , and examined her face , she loved Mina , and didn't want her to be upset with her .

"Are you mad at me now ?" Tsuyu asked , leaning into Mina a bit more . "No I'm fine ." Mina replied . Everyone on the boat was stuck in an uncomfortable silence.

"Where are we going?" Kirishima asked , trying to spark a conversation. Mina's eyes lit up , and her entire mood brightened. "WE ARE GOING TO THE WAKA DOCK , TO GO SWIMINGGGGGG!" She exclaimed. Everyone grew smiles on their faces , as they relished in the new happy atmosphere.

All except one .

Because he can't swim to save his life .

Kirishima P.O.V

'I'm gonna did omg omg omg I'm gonna die!!!' I thought to myself . My fake smile seemed to fool everyone else . I can't swim . Like at all . This is my final day on this earth .

"Kiri you okay ?" Bakugou asked me . I looked at him fondly , his soft hands caressed my face , as he searched it trying to find his answer. "I'm fine ." I replied smiling, taking his hands from my face , holding them in my own , and kissing them softly. His face was redder than a tomato .

"W-What was t-that for shit face ?" He stuttered . "I'm sorry I just love you so much couldn't help it ." I said . "Don't just say stuff like that !" He said , burying his face into my chest . I pet his hair , and tried to distract myself from what was bound to happen .

'They're gonna find out I can't swim for shit .'

Bakugou P.O.V

"WE'RE HERE !!!" Mina said in a sing- song voice , while parking the boat at the dock . She seemed off earlier today , I'll have to ask her about that later .

"LETS GOOOOO!" I said taking off my shorts and shirt , that showed the bikini I wore underneath. The bikini was black , with neon green straps holding it together .

I'm a boss ass bitch . ( A/N: I tend to write Bakugou as having the confidence severely lack 😂)

Everyone else had taken off their outer clothes , except for kiri . Tsuyu wore her green one-piece , and Mina wore a purple and white one . "Come on get undressed so we can jump in !" I said bouncing around excitedly , I felt a little exposed in my revealing swimsuit , but it was ok because I was surrounded by the people I trust . "U-umm i forgot my s-swimsuit ." Kiri replied .

"Don't worry about it babe , there's only a few people here , just wear your underwear." I said getting closer to the ledge to hop off . Tsuyu was beside me . " Make sure you jump in after us ok ?" I said , taking Tsuyu's hand in mine , as we began our countdown to jump . "3... 2... 1... AHHHHH!" Tsuyu and I jumped of the dock , holding each other's hand , and screaming in excitement. *splash * *splash* our small figures didn't make a big noise , as we slipped into the water with ease , we freed our hands , and swam up to the surface giggling.

We then turned to face the boat seeing Kirishima in his Calvin Klein underwear, looking like someone just stole his puppy , and Mina , sizing up the height from the ledge to the lake . "OH NO YOU THE FUCK YOU WON'T YOU'LL BE A DEAD SON OF A BITCH I TELL YOU DAT!" Tsyu and I were a little far from the boat , so we couldn't hear everything, but we could hear Kirishima yelling .

We swam a little closer , to see what the problem was . "What's going on ?" Tsuyu asked concerned. "Kirishima said he was scared so I told him I'd push him in , and he yelled at me ." Mina answered with a hand on her hip . "What's wrong babe ? Why won't you jump in ?" I asked carefully, not wanting him to feel pressured to do anything.

"I-I-I" He stammered while looking at the water . " I CAN'T SWIM!" He exclaimed looking ashamed of himself . "Is that it ?" He nodded , and I swam closer to the boat . "I'll tell you what , if you jump , I promise I'll be right here to catch you , but if you really don't want to , I'll climb back up ." I said , watching for his reaction. "You promise you'll catch me ?" He asked timidly . I nodded, and smiled wide at him , as I moved into position to catch him .

He then hyped himself up a bit , by jumping up and down , and saying "I'm a manly man ." While slapping his face over and over . He looked at me , and I opened my arms , showing him I was ready to catch him . With one last deep breath , he jumped into the lake with a girly scream .

And right into my arms . He held onto me in a way I wasn't used to , it made me feel dominant, and powerful over him .

But even I knew that I'll always be a bottom .

"You caught me ?" He said , with a questioning look . "Of course I caught you ~" I said , looking into his eyes . "I'll always catch you . Forever and always ." Every word I spoke came from my heart . "Always and forever." He responded . We had forgotten about everyone, and everything else , only worried about the person in front of us . I was happy .

I was happy he changed .

I was happy I had great friends.

I was happy that I'd finally found love .

And I'd do anything to keep it that way .

Our faces inched closer , and closer , as Kiri and I were about to share a love filled kiss , until.

*Waaaa pshhh*

Mina cannonballed , splashing us while doing so . Trying to get the water out of my eyes , my grip on Kiri loosened . His breathing quickened dramatically, and his hold on me tightened . "Woah Kiri calm down okay ? ... why does swimming scare you so much anyway?" I asked waiting for his answer .

"Because I saw jaws when I was in the 2nd grade . AND I REFUSE TO BE EATEN ALIVE LIKE MATT'S DUMBASS !" My boyfriend responded. I didn't know exactly who Matt was exactly, but I didn't wanna push it by asking . I could hear Tsyu and Mina having their own conversation, splashing each other , and laughing . When a thought came to me . "Hey Kiri ?" I asked looking at him .


"You kinda look like a shark ." I said chuckling a bit . Kirishima gave me one of his best glares . I stopped laughing and kissed his cheek , when that proved not to work , I used my ultimate power move . "I'm sorry daddy ~ " He blushed a bit . And I laughed . I swayed a bit in the cool water , loving the feeling the sun gave me . I was relaxed .

"OH MY GOD I FORGOT SUNSCREEN!" I yelled , knowing that my pale skin would get sunburnt. I pouted , knowing that my skin would be like a potato chip for the next few days .


I love your theories ab who is trying to break kiribaku up !

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