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Harry wobbled over to the sofa chair and took a seat. His head fell back and his mouth was open wide. Zayn was behind him but soon turned off to the kitchen. I walked over to Harry and took a seat. I snapped my fingers and made myself visible.

"Harry..." I whispered and he opened his eyes, turning his head slowly my way.

"Em," his accent was deep and hoarse. "I'm glad to see you."

I smile and almost reached out to touch him but I forgot that's impossible. "I'm glad to see you're okay." I say and he smiles.

"The coolest thing happened today at the bar." He sounded like a little kid who had just come from a field trip and was ready to tell his mom what had happened.

"And what was that?" I coo.

"I felt cold," he pauses, "like when you're around."

I felt a sting in my chest and sighed, "So you felt a ghost presence today?" I wonder and he nods.

"Hannah was here today." I say, changing the subject.

"I hate her because she hurts me." He pouts. I hate her too I want to say but I know this is the alcohol talking right now.

I bit on my bottom lip and nodded carefully, "can I tell you something?" I asked him.


"Timing might not be perfect but it's good enough," I spoke, "here goes nothing, Hannah is c-" I was cut off when Zayn walked into the room with a glass of water and pills in his hand. Fucking asshole, perfect timing.

"I got you something to ease the headache, mate." He voiced, "No more drinking for you." He chuckles, sittting the water and pill on the coffee table.

"Thanks mate." Harry mumbles.

"If that'll be all I have to go." Zayn pats Harry on the shoulder before leaving out of the house.

I sat and watched as Harry leaned over and grabbed the pill and water. He chugged it down quickly before sitting the glass back down. His head fell back once more, mouth agape and eyes closed. He looks so peaceful and vulnerable.

"Harry?" I whispered in his ear and he groaned. I rolled my eyes and huffed. "Get some rest." I stood from the chair and hovered upstairs, beats walking.

When I wake up the blinds were pulled open and I can only expected it was Harry. I have no idea why he would do this but he needs to stop. I am not too fond of sunlight after I've just risen.

I get out of bed and make my way downstairs only to see Hancock. Her hair up in a neat bun and makeup fully done. She had the phone to her ear as she walks back and forth on the wooden floor. And her heels clicked annoyingly, ugh and you would think the house shaking would scare her off.

"Yes, we are leaving I need you both here soon," she whispered, "The key will be under the mat."

What is she talking about and who's coming over? I love guest. The best people to torment.

"Ugh, just fucking get here on time." She hisses, "I'll pay you when I see you." She hung up the phone and soon Harry came in the room.

"Are you ready?" He asks, grabbing his keys and Hannah nods.

Hannah struts out the house first. Harry strolls behind her, rubbing his head. I giggle, he's still hangover. Before he walks out the door he looks back once more as if looking for something. I frown and look around also but when I look back at the door it's being slammed and locked. I shrug it off and continue on my way.

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