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I am Emma Davis. I've been dead for a year now. I'm only twenty-three. I am not a friendly ghost. I am not a mean ghost, I'm simply a ghost looking for a way out or a way around this life that's isn't life.

His eyes flicker over to me and he gasps. I smile and wave at him. His eyes seem to haven't blink in a while and I was becoming worried maybe I shouldn't have done this. Maybe it wasn't the right time.

"I see you," He says, smiling but the disbelief clear in his voice.

"Yes," I spin around, showing off.

"You're a girl," He asked and I nod.

"I can't stop shaking," he informs me, staring as if it all was a bombshell which it actually was.

"You're going to be sick," I voice, his face pale and his eyes look glossy. I tried to walk closer to him but he shakes his head putting his hand out. I stopped walking and stared at him concerned.

"Don't tell me what I'm going to be, Emma," He barked. He says my name like he's used it all his life. Rage rises in his delicate green eyes. "You've been torturing Hannah and me for the longest."

I stand there flabbergasted. Harry just snapped at me and I'm not sure whether I want to snap back or let him have his moment of truth. He sits on the stairs and breathe heavily without looking at me. I'm not sure what to do but I just stare at him confused.

"Where do you sleep," He lifts his head, staring at me questionably.

"I use to sleep in that room you filled with books but I'm a roamer." I half lie- I don't feel comfortable with telling him where I sleep.

He didn't reply he just stood and walked near the wall that spells my name "are you going to clean this?" He wonders looking at me.

I look at him and frown. "No," I say bluntly not pondering over the question.

"You did it," His eyes look like they were about to buck out of the sockets. Why is he so worried about a stupid little writing that can be painted over?

"It doesn't matter, you asked for all of this," I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms across my chest.

"I asked for this," he questions, pointing at hisself, "I didn't ask for you to be here and I didn't ask for you to go overboard. All I asked for was your name, you could've wrote it on a sheet of paper."

"You're only acting like this because Hannah's going to kill you," I snap, "she treats you like a pile of shit and she has yet to flush you."

"I'm sure you know, we've been here for some time now," he retorts.

"You need to switch your attitude." I snapped.

"Switch my attitude," He dryly laughed.

"Yes," I nod. "You're in my house so I suggest it."

"Well I'll be damned," he chuckled, "you put my girlfriend in the hospital and basically had us paranoid for days, and you want a better attitude from me," he roared, stepping closer.

I growled- a light blowing out. "Don't come closer to me," I barked but Harry didn't stop his movement. He didn't seem intimated at all.

"Is the ghost scared now?"

"Don't come any closer," I put my hand out and he tried to grab it but I quickly put it back down.

I backed into the wall trying to use my intangibility but with the lack of sleep I've been receiving I can't go anywhere. Harry stared at me warily when I started to shake my head and my bottom lip started to tremble. He's going to touch me- I don't want him to touch me. But it's too late pain shoot through me.

Ear-splitting screams escape my mouth. The pain wasn't natural nor was it pleasurable. It's like a thousand knives coming in my flesh- my ghostly flesh. Harry covered his ears and fell to his knees; I did the same falling into the wall. I soon stopped my cry, closing my eyes briefly. When I opened my eyes back Harry was staring at me- his eyes distributing worry and fright.

"Are you okay," his voice was shaky. "What did I do?"

"You hurt me," I snivel, he frowned but his eyes were saying something totally different. He tried to touch me once more but I shook my head and let the tears fall. "Don't ever touch me again." I seethed, snapping my fingers twice no longer in his view.

"I'm sorry," he said sadly but I moved from the ground and made my way down the hall till I was lying on my featherbed in the attic.


I love you all and just want to thank you for supporting me, and telling me how much you love this story. it feels amazing, honestly. i don't know what i'll do without you all.

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