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A couple of days of living turned into a week and it was exciting because I got to live a little. I learned some witch tricks that'll come in handy. But today is the day I see my mom and how's she living. I'm sitting in the passenger seat as Rena pulls up in front of a plain white house. It looks like something my mother would like. She was always so boring with her colors, but her spirit was free as the wind.

Rena parked the car and I quickly hopped out before encouraging words could be exchanged. I quickly walk and jogged a little at some point until I reached the stairs. I took a deep breath before lifting my bald fist up. I knocked three times and ranged the doorbell for good luck. Rena walked up beside me, smiling. I smiled back before looking at the door.

"Anxious?" Rena asked and I nod quickly, bouncing on my tippy toes.

Within a few brief moments the door swung open. I stared and my breathing picked up. It feels good to breathe. My mom stares at me with a shocked expression and I'm sure I look the same. She reaches out and wraps her arms around me and I do the same, crying into her shoulder.

"I've missed you so much, darling." She admits. "I'm sorry you had to find everything out like this."

"I've missed you too, mom." I cry.

She rubs my back soothingly as always, "come inside, I'm sure you have a lot of questions."

"Of course I do."

I lean up and she looks at me smiling, wiping my tears before grabbing my hand and dragging me inside her door. Her house looks exactly like limbo in the inside, colorful. She leads me in and places me on a sofa. Rena comes join me as my mom walks towards the kitchen.

"How does it feel to be reunited with your mom?" Rena asks, nudging me with a huge grin.

"It's wonderful." I smile, "I don't understand how she's alive- did the witches bring her back too?"

Before Rena could answer my mom came back with a tray of drinks in her hand, smiling. She placed the tray down and sat before Rena and me.

"I told you she'll have plenty questions." My mom smiled, grabbing a drink.

Reba rolls her eyes and grabs a cup of tea, taking a sip. I leave mines there and watch the two.

I cleared my throat before speaking, "how are you alive?" I question, "Did the other witches bring you back?"

"No witches brought me back," she says, sitting her cup down. "I've always been alive, but on the run."

I frown, "on the run? Mom, your ashes are in my backyard."

"No, that's another lady. I just had to get Hannah and Liam's doppelgänger off my back."

I gasped, "Did you murder the other lady?" I questions with fright.

"Oh no, dear." My mom says with wide eyes, "she came from the morgue, Rena here made her family agree to taking her."

I looked at Rena and thought about how she made the lady let us on the plane not too long ago. I thought about how we lived on free food and got wasted on free drinks. She stole someone else's family member and cremated them.

"That's disgusting!" I say, standing from the seat. I stare at them both ashamed and shocked.

My mom stands with sadness in her eyes, "honey, please our intentions were good." She tries to assure me.

"Good?" I gawked at her. "Good, are you serious? You stole someone else's loved one. I know they're already dead, but people actually visit and talk to them like I was talking to what I thought was you."

My mom stayed quiet and bit her bottom lip. I can see the tears building up. I know my mom isn't a bad person, but I'm not sure about Rena. She seems so sneaky all the time. I don't trust anyone right now, but these two are all I got until I can reach my old friends.

"I'm sorry, hon." My mom cries, "I missed you so much and I don't want this to jeopardize the little time we have together." She placed her face in her hand and wept.

I sighed and walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her. She removed her hand and placed her head on my shoulder. I rubbed her back as she cried to me.

I never thought I'll be consoling my mom. Funny how things change.


I sit and watch as my mom and Rena make a concoction. I don't know what it is, but I know it'll kill us and once I'm dead I won't be coming back. The best thing about this is that Liam will be defeated and the world is saved from him. My mom explained if Liam receives my power and some kid named Harry heart hell will raise to the earth and heaven will cease.

"You need to drink, love." My mom says while handing me juice or some sort.

"You know this would've been so much easier with Descensum." Rena says, grabbing her drink from my mom.

I watched Rena as she pinched her nose and chugged the drink down quickly. My mouth was agape as she licked her lips and burped lightly. I looked at my mom who was just smiling pleased with her actions. I blinked back to Rena who took a seat and pointed at my drink smiling.

"Gonna drink that?" She asked.

"Rena, let her drink it for heaven's sake." My mom argues, rolling her eyes before looking back at me, "please darling." My mom encourages me.

"What's going to happen to-" before I can finish my question it was answered with Rena falling out of the chair and onto the floor.

I gasped and looked at my mom who was drinking the formula.

"I made our drinks stronger than Rena's so we'll die quicker." She says after finishing her drink. "Now drink."

I nod and place the drink to my mouth. It smelt of vomit, making me want to chuck the glass at the wall. I inhale, this is all for the great of good. I am doing this for my family, I am doing this for everyone who has lost somebody and they are stuck in that god forbidden place. I open my mouth and let the worse thing ever slide down my throat. I looked over to my mom who fell to the floor and I panicked for a second before I went down too.


OMG! I miss you all so much. I don't know what's been up with me and my writing don't even ask. I'm sure most people took this out their reading list, but ok.

Otra is on its way and NOLA still hasn't got a date and I'm frustrated. Seriously. I need them in my life.

I'll be posting previews of the new stories I've been working on. Hopefully you'll look at them when I post them later on today. So stay tuned(lol) and follow me for the previews. You can decide which story is best to be posted.


Man; OMG, I found a head in a alley with note attached to it!

You; what did the note say?

Man; I don't need NOBODY!


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