A letter pt. 3

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Todoroki sat, silently sulking in his chair. He couldnt help but stare at the now empty chair which once held the lively Kaminari Denki. The world had become dark and dreary since he stopped coming to school. A doctor approached Todoroki and handed him a letter. "Letter from the deceased." The doctor stated before walking away. The envelope had tear stains, and felt heavy.

Hi there!

Its Kaminari. If you're reading this I've passed. I know you probably don't even care I'm gone. I seemed more a nuisance then a friend to many. Anyway, did they tell you how I died yet? I dont know how I'm going to die, but I hope its cool. Maybe a plant will sprout from me! Funny isnt it? How I'm writing like there's nothing you have to do with this. Bakugo might yell at you for hours because of this. Sorry if he does. Hanahaki is how I'm going to die. And the cause is reading this letter. I have no time to be bitter anymore. Just time to think. You and Midoriya must be getting along well. I see why you like him. He's so kind. Yet, he had nothing compaired to you. Your so sweet and real, it makes me puke up petals just thinking about it. Sorry for the morbid jokes. Jokes are always my way out of things. When an idiot doesnt know what to say he tells a joke. I would love to start over in the afterlife, but you'll live so much longer then I will. Dont waste anymore time here. Go be with the person who makes you happy.

Kaminari Denki.

Todoroki choked on his own breath while tears streamed from his eyes. He felt so angered with himself. He reached up and hit himself in the head while muttering, "IDIOT!" Over and over. When he stopped a bruise had formed on the skin just beneath his two toned hair. He wiped his tears but more came out. His boyfriend came over to confort him but he pushed him away. "Please.. Just leave me be." He muttered. Nothing could undo what he had done. No one could save Denki now. He was gone, and that was Todoroki's fault.

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