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I woke up lying on an unfamiliar couch with people laying all around me. I jolted up. "Calm down dumbass." I heard Bakugo say from across the couch. "You're at brainwashy dudes place." Bakugo said pointing his attention to a sleepy red head on his shoulder. "I have a name." Shinsou said. "Excuse me for inturupting, but how the fuck did I get here?" I asked, sitting more steadily. "Kirishima thought it would be a good idea to leave after a drunken man came. Apparently your dad." Bakugo said, now playing with Kirishima's hair. "You feeling okay? You don't seem to be in idiot mode anymore." Shinsou said in a concerned tone. "Being an idiot apparently makes you fearless too." Kirishima said in a very sleepy voice. "What do you mean by that?" I questioned, tilting my head slightly. "You went up to Bakugo and just straight up hugged him." I felt a little bit of fear build up in me. "Uhm.. I was an idiot so... Can I not get beaten up?" I asked with a nervous smile. "I'll let it slide, but dont expect it again." Bakugo replied with a scowl. I sat and thought for a bit before a question popped into my head. "Hey Shinsou, where are your parents?" I asked, looking at the purple haired boy next to me. "Working. Their both pro hero's and teachers." I put a hand on my face and began to think. "Do they teach at U.A?" I ask, trying not to seem too nosy. Shinsou hummed in response, probably not paying attention. "Can I ask who?" I pressed. "Uh yeah. Aizawa and Hizashi." He said blankly scrolling through his phone. "Aizawa-Sensei is your dad?!" Kirishima and I said pretty much in sink. Shinsou nodded, clearly not paying attention. "Shinsou, your dad is the hottestest teacher I've ever had." I said with a blank expression. "Mhmm- wait- WHAT?! GROSS WHAT THE FUCK!?" Shinsou yells. I start laughing uncontrollably. "I'm just kidding! You weren't paying attention so I tried to get your attention." I managed through laughs and wheezes. "That absolutely disgusting, Kaminari." Shinsou growls, covering his face with his hands. "Y'all are idiots." Bakugo says, Kirishima joining in my laughter.  After our laughter subsides, the room is silent. The silence is broken by the closing of the front door and an annoyingly loud voice from the front of the house. I look at Kirishima and he looks at me, we then both look at Bakugo and he looks at us, then all three of us look at Shinsou. "Hitoshi, didn't I tell you to tell me before you invited people over?" A cold and familiar voice filled the air. "Welcome home dad. Sorry I didn't tell you before but it was an emergency." Shinsou turned around to look at Aizawa-Sensei standing in the doorway. I severely don't want to be recognized so without thinking pull my hood over my head and tighten the strings. "I hope you all did the assignment." I began to realize how stupid I was being and started freaking out mentally. "Including you, Kaminari." Me being stubborn didn't move until the teachers where gone. Once they left I untied my hoodie strings while repeating the same words in my head. 'Idiot idiot idiot idiot.' My brows furrowed with disgust for myself. 'FUCKING idiot. No wonder Todoroki doesn't like you' after this I cough, but choke back the huge flowers wanting to leave my system. I hold my hand to my mouth and ask, "Where's your bathroom?" Shinsou points a shaky hand towards a hall. I get up and quickly move towards it. Once I get in the bathroom I immediately poor out what felt like millions of flowers into the toilet. Once the final flower is out I see so much blood. A knock. "Kami? You alright?" Its Kirishima. Too much blood. I crawl to the door and manage to turn the handle before collapsing. "Bakugo! Shinsou! Come quick!"
To much beeping
I open my eyes and see Bakugo trying to calm Kirishima and Shinsou just looking at me. "Kami? Oh my fucking god! Thank god you're awake, the doctors said you lost so much blood, they weren't sure if-" Shinsou quickly looks away, sounding like he's choking back tears. "Hey, its okay now. I'm right here." I smile weakly and he smiles back. A sharp pain fills my guts while I receive the tightest hug in my life. "Eji, you're gonna kill him." Bakugo says as I slightly gasp for air. "Sorry, Kami! We were all so worried for you." Kirishima said a sad look in his eyes. "All right you all. Visiting time is over. Please leave." A doctor who entered the room said. I recieved long hugs from Shinsou and Kirishima and a goodbye from Bakugo. I sigh as a doctor walks into the room. "Hello young man, we're here to ask-" I cut him off. "If you're asking about the treatment my answer is no." I glare sharply at the doctor. He nods and leaves the room. I stare out the window, hoplessly watching for a sign of anything. But no. Its all just dying plants. How I hate hospitals. I tell Shinsou and Kirishima that everyday. I tell them how much I hate it hear and want to leave. A docotr walks in. "You have a two new visitors today. A green haired boy and a boy with two toned hair." I sigh. Shinsou informes me they had gotten together. "Send them in one by one please." I say, still staring at the dead tree outside my window. "Kaminari?" A calm cold voice says. I look over and see Todoroki. I weakly wave as he sits down. "You- you should really get the treatment." He says, voice more shaky then ever. "I understand your concern but I couldnt live with myself if I hated them." I state, showing no emotion. He gets up and leaves. After him is Midoriya. "So you and Todoroki, huh?" I put on my best fake smile and nudge him. "Y-yeah. He's so sweet, I just don't understand how he likes me." He chuckled nervously. "Dont be dumb! You're such a great person, I honestly can't blame him." I smile, still fake. We sit in silence for a few seconds. "So, you're really not getting the treatment?" He looks down, sad. "No. I'd rather die then hate them." I feel a squeeze on my stomach and heart. "I'm sorry, because I know you're gonna hate me for saying this but, it isnt worth it. I mean, no ones worth your life!" He yells as tears prick his eyes. "Think of it as me being a hero. I'm giving my life to save a life in a way." I smile weakly. A doctor comes in and tells him its time to leave. That was three days ago. Today I'm just counting the beeps on the machine as my heart gets slower. Its seems every hour a doctor comes to see if I've changed my mind. I haven't. The beeps have longer pauses now. Just awaiting the pain to leave. I feel a pain in my chest that rips through my shirt and sprouts a beautiful rose bush. I always loved roses. I reach my hand to touch a thorn and as my fingers pricks the sharp objects, my heart stops.


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