~°Iron and Rotten Vegetables°~

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I wake up to the smell of iron. I look around and see my arms drenched in blood, flower heads and buds all over the ground also drenched in blood and a toilet filled with petals. I pull my phone off the counter top and see a ton of un-read messages.

Manly: Hey dude! Hows it going?

Manly: You alright? Your never usually one to not even read texts..

Manly: dude its been at least an hour, are you okay?

Manly: I know this is an invasion of privacy and I'm sorry but I'm coming over with Bakubro.

Then I see a few texts from Bakugo.

Blasty: Shitty hair is worried about you, so you better FUCKING be okay


Blasty: Be ready to fucking be blasted into the motherfucking sun when Shitty hair and I arrive.

I let out a small cough. I feel my breathes getting shorter. My eyes begin to feel heavy. As my eyes close a loud banging is heard on my bathroom door. "Kaminari?! You in there bro?" I hear Kirishima. I open my mouth to talk but my throat is so dry all that comes out is a loud cough and a wheeze. "Oi! Pikachu! Open up or we're coming in!" I hear an angry Bakugo yell. I try to talk again and manage a very soft and weak, "Help..." I cough again after, and hear the door handle turn. "We're coming in! Don't be in the shower or some shit!" I hear Bakugo yell again. As the door swings open I pull my eyes shut from the brightness of outside. I hear Kirishima gasp. "Holy shit! What the FUCK happened?!" Bakugo yells at me. Then his direction is pointed to the toilet. "Hanahaki..." He whispers. "We've gotta get him to a hospital, Bakugo!" My eyes widen and my voice is finally re-appearing. "N-no! They'll take it out of me!" I say clutching my shirt. "Why is that a big deal, you idiot?! YOU ARE DYING, FOR FUCKS SAKE!" Bakugo yells at me again. "I don't want to hate him.." I pulled my hands over my face, feeling tears prick my eyes. "Who? What is happening?! Did someone do this to you?" Kirishima asked, obviously confused. "Ever heard of Hanahaki, Kiri?" Bakugo asks. "No?" Kirishima answers, as I choke back tears. "It where you face one sided love. A plant begins to sprout inside of you and the only way to cure it is to have your feeling given back or to get it removed." Bakugo explained. "So why not just get it removed Kami?" Kirishima asks, looking down at my still covered face. "If you remove it, you hate the person you previously loved." Bakugo explains for me. "Who did this? Cause the Hanahaki for you, I mean." Kirishima asks kneeling down to look at my arm, while Bakugo looks for some medical stuff. "T-Todoroki.." After I say his name, the room is immediately filled with coughs. Kirishima hits my back a few times, dislodging a petal from my throat. The petal isn't only covered in saliva now. Its also traced with thin streaks of blood. "How long has blood been coming up with those petals?" Bakugo asks, still looking angry, but not sounding angry.  "Just now..  Thats it." I respond, trying not to pay attention to the disinfectant being poured on my arm. I wince at the large amount of stinging. "Bakugo, can you go get him some water?" Kirishima asks. Bakugo nods and walks out. "You're a saint.." I chuckle at how easily Kirishima can make Bakugo calm. "Its not any choice of mine, really. If he didn't want to help you he wouldnt be here." Kirishima smiled a toothy grin. "Doubt that.." I chuckle and point a fingergun. I feel a smack on the back of the head. "Don't doubt it again, short circuit." I hear an angry, yet somehow calm-ish Bakugo. "Owww!" I whine. "Rude." I glance at him while rubbing the back of my head. "All done!" Kirishima says with a smile. "Thanks.. You guys don't have to stay, I've gotta clean this shit up." I say, attempting to stand while clutching to the bathroom counter. As soon as I stand a wave of dizziness pushes over my and I fall back. "Dude! We can't leave while you're like this! Bakugo and I will clean it." Kirishima says while supporting me on his shoulder. I try to thank them but end up coughing again. Kirishima quickly lays me down and tells Bakugo to go get something for me to eat. "I'll be back soon. I dont want to ruin your kitchen looking for shit so I'm getting us all burgers." Bakugo said. Kirishima ran over to him and gave him a quick peck. "Be safe!" He smiled. I couldn't help but smile too. 'Finally!' I think. "What?" Kirishima asks, looking over at me. "You guys finally got together. I'm so proud." I jokingly pretend to cry. "O-oh! Uhm.. Y-yeah." He smiled shyly, looking at the ground. "I'll be cleaning up! If you need anything, just yell!" He quickly resumed his perky personality and went off to clean. He ran back out pretty quickly. "Shinsou is spamming you!!!" He threw my phone and it successfully hit the wall. I sighed, hoping it wasn't serious.

Purple spike: Kami

Purple spike: how bad are the injuries?

Purple spike: Kaminari?

Purple spike: sorry for being blunt, but you really are an idiot.

Pika: rude😭

Purple Spike: you okay?

Pika: yeah. Just a bit dizzy.

Purple Spike: don't lie to me Kaminari.

Pika: really I'm all good.

Purple Spike: I'm on my way to your house with that Blasty dude.

Pika: He's actually letting you come??

Purple Spike: yeah.

Pika: they grow up so fast 😢

Purple Spike: isn't he older then you??

Pika: idk, ask

Purple Spike: yeah he's oldest in class.

Pika: cool story dude

Purple spike: see ya in a bit

I turn off my phone and sit in absolute silence. My mind starts wandering then, just one thought, and I'm on the ground chocking on blood and petals.
"Jesus! Kaminari?! Try not to pass out, okay? Listen to my voice!" I hear Kirishima. I feel three sharp hits to my stomach and petals come flowing out like a waterfall. "Kaminari? Listen to my voice okay?" Kirishima repeats. "Now, tell me three things you see." He says while moving around petals. "Kirishima... All Might... Petals.." I manage to push through the blood still in my mouth. "Three things you smell." I take a moment to think. "Iron... Vomit... Burgers.." Kirishima looks up at me because of the last one. "Okay, try to stay awake, I'll be right back." Kirishima says running down the stairs. I look at the wall and count the stripes going up and down. '1.. 2... 3.. 4..' I hear rushed footsteps. '10.. 11.. 12..' The door burst open and Kirishima explains what happened. "Kami? Its Shinsou. Can you hear me?" I try to focus on something other then the smells and sights so I keep counting. "33.. 34.. 35.." I use my eyes to scan the walls. "What are you counting?" So many voices. "55..56..50.. 50.." I lose count as my mind trails off to the things I didnt want to think about. "Kaminari? Is something wrong?" I hear kirishima's voice break through the rest. "The stripes..." I point to the wall. "I hate them.." I sit up a little. "Hi Shinsou.." I say, slowly falling into a state of stupidity. "Wheyy!" I stand up and jump around. "Just fucking great." Bakugo's voice. "Wheyy!" I instinctively walk over to him and hug him. "HEY WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING YOU ZAPPY BI-" Bakugo's yelling stops. I feel my eyes lid and I let go before completely passing out.

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