Can you?

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"Can I borrow your sharpie?" Yves asked the girl sitting next to her in a lazy tone, not bothering to even look at her

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"Can I borrow your sharpie?" Yves asked the girl sitting next to her in a lazy tone, not bothering to even look at her.

"I don't know, CAN YOU? Just kidding! Here, take it." Chuu responded smiling brightly as she shook the sharpie in the air.

Chuu reached her hand out towards the girl sitting next to her and gave her the sharpie. The sharpie was decorated with glitter and penguin stickers. It also had the name Chuu written on it with big sticker letters.

"Thanks" she answered without paying much attention towards the girl sitting next to her.

"I'm Chuu, nice to meet you..." Chuu smiled even brighter wanting to get her attention.

"I'm Yves" she answered back, again not paying much attention to Chuu.

The conversation was cut short and they went back to working. After a few minutes Yves went to the bathroom. Chuu watched her stride out. She admired, more like checked out the way she walked and her dreamy face.

"Pretty" she thought to herself. Apparently Yves was too distracting so Chuu even forgot to ask her for her sharpie back.

Yves came back smiling after her bathroom visit. Chuu didn't know why she was smiling but she admired they way she smiled. Did she text her boyfriend or something?

After the lesson finished both of them left to go to the cafeteria and eat lunch.

Chuu was of course curious about the mysterious girl so she decided to ask her if she could sit next to her.

"Is this seat taken?" Chuu asked nervously, trying to show her best smile to her.

"No." Yves answered without even looking at her, once again. Are we surprised.

Chuu put down her plate of food onto the table and sat down.

"Do you want your sharpie back?" Yves asked without looking up from her plate.

"Yeah... I mean if you don't need it for longer" Chuu answered shyly, a shy boy from elementary school taking to their crush.

"Is it alright if I return it tomorrow then?" Yves asked still looking uninterested in having a conversation with Chuu.

"Sure." Chuu answered.

There was an awkward silence beginning to grow in between them, but Chuu decided to put an end to that.

"So... How old are you?" Chuu curiously asked, desperate to break the awkward silence.

"I'm 18" Yves answered while being focused on her food. The food wasn't even tasty. What is she so focused on?

"Oh, so you're the same age." Chuu answered brightly. The shy persona seemed to have lifted. But that was the last thing Chuu said before Yves had finished eating and left Chuu alone.

"Ah, why am I so bad at making friends" Chuu grumbled to herself. She was annoyed.

Chuu eventually finished eating and went to her classes, but Chuu couldn't help but admire Yves beauty whenever she passed her in the corridor.

Sharpie ✔️ Chuuves LOONAWhere stories live. Discover now