Part 1

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Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap...

A young boy, with dyed purple hair, was tapping on his wooden desk. He was in class.

Click. Click. Click. Click...

The time ticked by slowly.

"Ahem, Mr... uh.. Bonnie," the teacher starts, "since you seem so confident that you don't have to pay attention to me teaching, please answer this question."

"Uh.... what was the question?" Bonnie says.

Some girls giggle, loud enough for Bonnie to hear.

"The question was, if you have a mother with black hair, and a father with brown hair, which hair color are you more likely to get?" The teacher asks.

"Well.... you would have a three outta four chance to get the black hair, because genes follow through with females more then men." Bonnie says confidently.

The teacher looks dumbfounded. How could this troublemaker of a boy get one of the most complicated of questions correct.

Ring Ring...

The bell rings and the students stand up pouring out of the classroom.

Bonnie quickly gathers his stuff and walks out of the classroom, saying bye to the teacher.

He then walks down the hall, instead of going where everyone else was heading, he turns right. He keeps walking for a bit until he finds the band and music room.

He looks around for a moment then walks in.

The music and band teacher said that Bonnie could use the classroom after class, so Bonnie is.

He sets his stuff by the door, then gets an instrument from its stand, he then goes into one of the, mostly, soundproof rooms that the school built for the shy kids.

He shut the door and lightly strummed the instrument.

Suddenly, the door to the music room bursts open, three pairs of feet rush into the room, then close the door.

"Do you think we lost 'em?" A raspy voice asks.

"I think so." A sweet woman like voice replies.

Bonnie hears them, he's always had great hearing.

"Well we are out of detention, what now?" A confidant, yet deep voice says.

"We wait, no one is here so we won't get caught." The sweet voice says.

Bonnie slowly opens the door, seeing the three teenagers. They were known as more of a troublemaker then Bonnie, compared to them Bonnie is a saint.

The first one, the one with the raspy voice, his name is Foxy, that isn't his real name but no one in the school knows his real one.

The second one, the one with the confident, deep voice, his name is Freddy, he's known as the strong silent type. A lot of girls love him.

Then there is the third one, the one with the sweet voice, her name is Chica, she comes from a Mexican background. Yet her skin is a pale as the moon.

They are the power trio, and no one doesn't know of them. If they don't, they should.


The door opened suddenly and Bonnie fell on the ground outside of the room.

"Frick." Bonnie says quickly getting up to see the three rascals staring at him.

"Who. Are. You." Foxy asks- well more like demands.

"Uh- eh... I- I'm uh." Bonnie clears his throat then continues.

"My names Bonnie."

Foxy snorts, "that's a girls name."

"Oh shut it Foxy, are you okay?" Chica asks, she's being to nice to him, what the heck.

What should he say, he's bad at one on one conversations, oh gosh just say something bonnie! Stop being a wimp.

"I-I'm fine." He manages to get out, instantly regretting stuttering.

"Oh look, he's scared~" Foxy says.

"Shut up Foxy." Freddy says, quite harshly.

Foxy takes a step back so Freddy can take a look at the wimp- I mean boy, in front of them.

"Why are you here?" Freddy asks.

"Um... I play guitar and I uh... I was practicing." Bonnie reply's.

"Weird." Foxy remarks.

The music in your heart. [Fnaf human AU]Where stories live. Discover now